
I'm Pretty Sure That I Don't Live in the South Today

Today has been a rather interesting day for us southerners to say the least. 
I am originally from Michigan so I am more use (I use the term more because after being down south for the vast majority of my life you forget what it's like to freeze) but let me just say it's not even the cold, it's the windchill today that is beyond awful.

With that being said, I knew I didn't have my first class this morning and was waiting to see if I had A&P lab because lets face it, I didn't want to leave the house.
After waiting since yesterday for an email or the classes to pop up online, there is finally a message at 9:30 saying that the website is loading slowly so classes won't be uploaded until later. After that frustration I went into the closet to decide what to wear/layer…and what do I discover? A mini-tarantula! Okay, it's a wolf spider but it's huge!! I do not like spiders at all and this sucker is about the size of a half dollar. It is currently residing under Tupperware until Daniel gets home. Ick! 

That Picture doesn't even do it justice - it looks so small but I assure you that it is not.

After that traumatic experience, I braved the cold and went to lab - which I did have and then made my way to the gas station. Well guess what? My fuel tank latch is frozen shut. Hahaha, at least I think this is comical! 

The good news is, I had a nice hot crockpot meal to come home to after yoga!

For your entertainment, here is a picture of Daniel bundled up to work outside (poor baby)/he also looks like he may rob someone's house.

If you've made it this far, thanks for listening to my little rant!

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