
Tornadoes, Job Hunting, and Finals - Oh My!

This post is dedicated to those who are currently losing their mind like I am. 
Don't get me wrong, I know all of this will pass and it will be okay, but sometimes you feel stuck in a pretend tornado (still, much better than a real one!) and getting out seems a wee bit impossible.

 So for those of you, who currently feel like I do, who feel along the lines of this:

But wants to feel like this:

Her are some of the things I do to feel a little less psychotic during these times.
1) I work out. Working out always makes me feel better. If working out is not your thing, its okay! You can take a dog on a walk or just spend sometime outside - whatever floats your boat!

2) I listen to music really loud. Instant de-stressor.

3) I clean the house. That might not de-stress other people but when the house is clean it makes me feel as if I have something under control :)

4) I read. It lets me not think of everything going on that I have to do.

5) I make time to watch a TV show that I've been looking forward to. So I may have been studying all day and managed 1 hour of TV time but if I have something to look forward to I find that it makes studying slightly more bearable. 

Depending on my time/what is going on that week, I tend to cut some of these activties off of the list or shorten them. I do what I can.

So what do you do in order to relax during high stress times?

Happy Wednesday and for those of you who have been dealing with severe weather in the south like I have - stay safe!

1 comment

  1. Oh gosh! That's quite a lot of stressors coming in. But it's good that you're able to temper it down with your different techniques. I gotta say, I practically do the all the same things as you do to tone down the stress, but number 3 has got to be my favorite. Hahaha! I guess there's something about the routine in cleaning that relaxes some people. Anyway, I hope you had a successful job-hunting experience and passed all your exams! Happy summer!

    Donna Roland @ Epiphany Staffing


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