
More Zzzz's Please - Weekend Recap

This weekend was a good one!
Daniel didn't have to work on Friday since he had to work from 11pm-9am at the farm Thursday night. Since he had the day off he came to the barn with me and it was such a beautiful day! The weather was in the 80's with little humidity. I got to spend some time with my horse and my man - I was one happy girl :)

Saturday Daniel worked and I did my usual gym routine in the morning before getting my nails done.  I also took the little nuggets on a walk before I headed to the gym. They love their early morning walks. After the gym I I opted for some spring colors now that it's finally feeling like it!

I then proceeded to study the rest of the day (Chem test and A&P Test Today and Tomorrow - panic!) until Daniel and I went out to dinner. We had a wonderful dinner at a great little restaurant in town called Cafe Duo. After dinner we watched Game of Thrones as we prepared for the season premiere last night! AH!

Sunday Daniel joined me at the gym, I ran out to by some socks (since the nuggets keep tearing mine up), and Daniel and I went to brunch. I then studied the rest of the afternoon (big shocker) and tried to relax a little before Game of Thrones and my tests the next day.

Overall the weekend was a good one! I may have spent half the time worrying about my upcoming tests but I have studied my butt off and need to keep that in mind. Did you guys have a good weekend? 

I am glad we had some nice weather this weekend because we are looking at some rain for the next few days. 


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful weekend. Loving the gold statement nail, sweet girl!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm really liking them also :) If I do an accent nail, I tend to do silver but I am loving the gold!


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