
How My Week is Currently Going

It has been no surprise to me that this week is insanely busy. I knew it was going to be, but boy did I jump on the struggle bus as soon as I woke up on Monday. 
Thankfully it's just a week, right? And there has already been a few positive things along the way. 
Let me catch you up on how I've been feeling this week.

As I interviewed for jobs:

^^No I did not say this - but I may have been thinking it! 
I do think my interview yesterday went well so fingers crossed!

Walking the nuggets yesterday:
This is literally how it went. Hot mess express. Apparently they forget how to walk if you neglect to walk them for four days.

As I attempt to not overload on caffeine:
That last part is pretty accurate

When I magically found out that yes indeed we are doing that microscope quiz spur of the moment in lab yesterday:

When I slaughtered (in a good way!) that quiz in 36 seconds:

How class is going this week:

What I really need:

That pretty much sums everything up!
How is your week going?
Now that I have overloaded you with gifs, I hope you have a great day :)


  1. This is too fun... loved the gifs! Hopefully you will get some much needed sleep!!

    1. Thank you :) I am looking forward to some sleep - hopefully this weekend!


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