
Confession Friday Time!

I am so relieved to make it to Friday!

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{1} I confess that the end of the semester has just gotten real. Can you say more tests/finals/practicals  than days left?? Holy cow I may not make it...

{2} I confess that I need sleep. I normally run off a little extra sleep than I should be without a problem. I am not sure what it was about this week but I was exhausted on Thursday. I haven't felt like that in a long time.

{3} I confess that I found Cake Batter Chapstick. Yep, you read that correct! I am so excited to test it out. Cross your fingers that it'll be great!

{4} I confess that I am so bummed that my nail place no longer takes appointments. Wha??? This is going to be a problem. Appointments make my life slightly easier and I cannot constantly go over there just to leave because the wait is too long or sit for an hour. So, I guess I need to start hunting for another nail place which is never fun.

{5} I confess that I may of just found my new nail place after researching like crazy on the internet. We will see!

{6} I confess that I am debating whether or not to do the more advanced puppy class with the nuggets. Decisions, decisions.

{7} I confess that I have a jammed packed weekend ahead and I also need to study. The panic is real! Lets see if I can accomplish this.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Good luck with finals!!! I have to say, I loved school, but do not miss those times!

    1. Exactly! School is fine and dandy until the last few weeks...

  2. how can they take appointments then no longer, that makes for chaos. Hope it works out for you

    1. Thank you! I couldn't believe it when I called the other day. I, along with the majority of people I am sure, really need to make an appointment!

  3. Oh nail place drama! HUGE downside to moving around. I'm constantly shopping for a new place....I like having a "nail place." The struggle.

    Do advanced class!! Schatzi and LT LOOOOVED it!

    PS. Did you get my email a while ago about ad space?

    1. I know! I had a great place in Raleigh and trying to find something similar has been a struggle.
      Good to know! I will sign up with the boys when the class is open again.

      I did not! Feel free to e-mail me at :)

  4. I feel ya on #1! So stressful! The end of the year cannot come soon enough!

    Crumbs & Curls

  5. That Cake Batter chapstick would stay on my lips for all of 10 hot seconds before I lick it off. Does the formula taste good?


    Another Beautiful Thing

    1. It does! I knew it was either going to turn out well or real poor. I am pleased to say that I am impressed!


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