
A Weekend Full of Crazy(ness)

Friday was a disaster. 
It started off great. It was Friday, the weather was beautiful, and I had my last A&P test of the semester. 
Let me first say that we had a small chance of rain on Friday - 30% chance. Well during my test the bottom fell out and we endured a mini monsoon. 
The fact that I did not bring an umbrella or a rain coat was the least of my concern that day. 
By the time I made it to the gym we had a tornado watch. 
By 4 o clock that afternoon life was about to change. Tornado warnings started popping up all over the state. Then we were under one. Let me just say that I am a coward and prepped the bathroom and the nuggets. 
I also called Daniel a few times once I realized they were still in the field planting and blissfully unaware that we were under a tornado warning. 
Round one wasn't so bad. I survived and was like psh that wasn't so bad. We'll round two threw down and I spent 15 horrifying minutes in the bathroom. Thankfully we never had a tornado that close to the house - there were two about 15-20 mins away though! - but it was horrifying to say the least.

This is a picture that was taken about 20-25 minutes from the house.

Saturday was not too exciting. The weather was gorgeous but I spent most of it in the house studying and having a horrible stomach ache. 
I did make it out of the house to go see a movie with Daniel that night. 
Sunday was another beautiful day. Daniel ended up not feeling good late Saturday night but Sunday still managed to be productive. I made it to the gym, the barn, and Daniel and I went to brunch. I spent the later part of the afternoon studying more and then I was suddenly hit with another upset stomach. Between Daniel and I, this weekend, we could not win the both people are feeling well game. While I died on the couch, Daniel washed my car for me and cooked dinner for me :)
I relaxed a bit Sunday night with a face mask, a hot pad, and a book.

Daniel and I enjoyed a nice brunch outside on Sunday :)

Sooo good. Good thing Daniel and I split it because otherwise I probably would of finished it myself.

Overall it was a good weekend. I did make a mistake and try Dunkin Donuts Cookie Dough iced coffee. So good! And the nuggets got a puzzle toy that has been a big hit! 

Have as great of a Monday as you can! :)

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