
Confession Friday!

Hello Friday!
Feel free to join Leslie's link-up by clicking here.

P.S. Did anyone use to watch Flight of the Conchords?? I loved that show

{1} I confess that stress has currently gotten the best of me. I didn't sleep worth anything last night and I am so tired

{2} I confess that part of this stress stems from my summer class/working situation dilemma. I'll be able to work both of them out but the pros and cons of each are making me a bit crazed

{3} I confess that I need to paint my toe nails. They have been rocking the no polish look for way too long now. This has now turned into a problem because I am wearing flip flops again.

{4} I confess that the immaturity of what some people do just blows my mind. How can you just be so rude and then sweep it under the rug like nothing happened?? Crazy.

{5} I confess that I went to the grocery store last night and actually planned out some meals! Winning! Today I went to grab a few (favorite) extras from Fresh Market and I totally forgot the original item that I went there for. Fail.

{6} I confess that I am a coward when alone at night. During my last semester of college my room mate left to go home during the summer which left me all by myself. While I still believe living by yourself (even just for a little bit) is a good growing process - it scared me to death the first week.

{7} I confess that I love watching all of my mystery/murder shows. Nightmare next door, Redrum, Dateline, Unsolved Mysteries, etc. It's all fun and games during the day but then at night if I hear a noise...I have a flashback to one of the shows I watched. I do the same thing with scary movies. I love watching them but then it all catches up to me when I'm trying to sleep. You win some and lose some,  right?

I hope everyone has a great weekend and if you are having nice weather like we are in good ol' North Carolina then I hope you can get outside for a bit!


  1. I also need to paint my toenails, however, with crazy amounts of snow in MN today, I won't be wearing flip flops anytime soon. :(

    Have a relaxing weekend!!

  2. I need to paint some tow nails as well.
    We have so much snow here, it is hard to get motivated


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