
Focus on the Good

If you are anything like me - type A personality, slightly neurotic, a constant doer - then you probably focus on a million things in a day.
Getting all of your plans done in a day is a tough task! Therefore, when something doesn't go just right it tends to discourage me a bit. Why? Because I made sure to plan it out,  I worked hard to make sure it would happen, I put in all that time and effort for it to just drop of the map. 
Frustrating, no?

We all know that obstacles and disappointment, for lack of a better word, are a part of life. While it is easy, especially in the heat of the moment, to let disappointment take a hold of you - it is only a small part of life. 
That leads me to this point. A lot of times we get consumed with disappointment and forget that it is only a small fraction of what we experience on a daily basis. While disappointment is inevitable, don't forget to focus on the good.

Sometimes the "good" we may experience on a daily basis is that the family is all home safe tonight, we managed to make something good for dinner, we managed to clean the house, we went on a long awaited date night, spent special time with your children, etc. 
It's easy to overlook the good things that happen on a daily basis.
Frustrating experience? Reflect on it but don't let it control the day. Focus on the good stuff and that frustration will slowly dissipate. 

Happy Wednesday everyone! We are getting closer to the weekend :)

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