
My Hopes and Plans

Hello, and happy Monday blog world :)
I sure hope your Monday morning started off better than mine!
Nothing like cleaning explosive nugget puke out of Boone's crate at 6:30 AM.

Though I will say, I feel like I have accomplished a lot this morning since I was forced out of bed to attend to a sick dog and do his laundry - nice life he leads, huh?
I hope my little man starts feeling better soon!

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Marry Mint

Last weeks hopes and plans:

{1} Tighten up my eating routine a bit.  So far so good! Though I did have pizza last night for dinner as my cheat meal of the week. Hey, you only live once and I cannot eat healthy 24/7 or I would stray constantly.

{2} Go to the umbrella market and hopefully get some grass fed beef! Done, done, and done! So I didn't end up with grass fed beef but I ended up with grass fed sausage, mini cupcakes, some really good peach/habanero/basil jelly, and a picture frame. Yea, let's not talk about it. Also, Boone was great and I hope he had a blast walking around.

{3} Switch up my breakfast. Yes, I am either making eggs or overnight oats! Currently I am on an overnight oats kick. Recipe coming Wednesday! 

{4} Go pick up my books and parking permit for the semester. And what a sad day it was. Reminding me all about this upcoming semester. This is an easy semester for me and I am still dreading it...maybe because I don't like philosophy? Yea, definitely for that reason. 

This week/my last week of freedom hopes and plans: 

{1} Study, study, study: I take the NLN Pax this coming Saturday and I need to keep the studying up! Granted, some of it is sheer luck on whether or not you manage to get questions that you stand a better chance at knowing, but studying definitely helps you improve on what you are week on *cough* math *cough*. Cross your fingers I manage to do well enough that I do not have to take the Pax twice!

{2} Spend time with my lovely four legged creature that lives at the barn: Thankfully I am not as busy this coming semester because I have less classes, but I will also be working so I am going to take full advantage of this week (if the rain stays away) and ride my horse.

{3} As Daniel says: either sh*t or get off the pot: Let me explain. I have had this weird obsession with scarves and maxi skirts recently. The problem is 1) I am broke and 2) I am picky and am having a hard time finding what I like. I did find a scarf that I like (except it's always harder to tell online) and it's on sale for, oh 5 dollars, so I think I need to make a move. 

{4} Find some more HIIT workouts: Let me preface this by saying these workouts hurt like you know what. But you know what? I love them. I've only been doing two a week after my usual cardio workout (and I do yoga three days a week so...). Since I do a combination of things, I didn't want to give up what I already do so I just altered it and fit in HIIT workouts where I can. Now I just need to find a few to rotate. 

Do you have any hopes and plans for the week?


  1. I found some adorable scarves at Forever 21 last week!

    Don't you love those surprises first thing in the morning? My dogs prefer to have their digestive attacks in the middle of the night....

    1. Ooh I'll have to take a look!

      Yes, it always happens to be at night when you least expect it and then you wake up to a wonderful mess :)


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