
Take a Moment for Peace

If you are anything like me and lean towards a solid 8-9 on the Type A personality spectrum, the idea of Peace may not be a top priority. 
I have been slightly neurotic these past two weeks because of all the snow - make-up assignments; I don't have time for that! More snow means potentially losing my spring break. No thanks! Constant schedule changes because of all the moved tests/labs/etc. Also, Bailey's Birthday is this Sunday and it kills me that he is gone - and it has made me realize that I am already slacking on my (somewhat) New Year's Resolution on taking some time for myself and finding as much peace as I can find. 

We live in a crazy world and finding any part of peace may elude us on a daily basis. What to do, what to do? 
Find something that makes you happy. Something that gives you a sense of accomplishment and gives you some time with yourself - and realize it may change depending on the day. Somedays I find peace in knowing that I cleaned the house, or spent time teaching the puppies a new trick, etc. 
As I've said before, yoga has really helped me have a new perspective on aspects of my life. So I originally did it for the strength and flexibility aspect, it also gives me an hour 2-3 times a week to put my focus into something, other than the house and school, that leaves me feeling accomplished. 
Even if the rest of the day went to hell in a hand basket, did I just beast that hard yoga class? Yes I did!

I also find peace out at the barn. Okay, sometimes I don't - especially since I've moved and had little time to ride. So when I did ride and jump, it was not awful but I was off. Me being me, that is not a failure per say but definitely disappointment and frustration because I know that I am better than the way I had been riding. I expect the occasional off day, but I could not seem to get it together. Finally, I went to the barn this past Sunday and had a lesson and just like that I was back in gear! I was ecstatic. I had been frustrated because I hadn't been looking forward to the barn recently because I was so frustrated with everything not coming together. For me this is huge because the barn has always been a place of relaxation, fun, and peace for me. And if it is no longer fun...we are in big trouble. 

In your crazy day to day schedule, what brings you peace? 

I know this post was slightly out there, but it has pertained to a chunk of my life recently. Plus, I feel that everyone has daily struggles and we often forget about ourselves and what makes us happy as we try to get stuff done. 

I will leave you with a saying that I learned in yoga:

"May I be filled with loving-kindness
May I be well
May I be peaceful and at ease
May I be happy"

On Friday come back for some confessions and I will also be telling you all what I made Daniel for Valentine's Day!

Happy Wednesday! :)

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