
My Love of Smoothies

About 3 years ago I made a commitment to be more health conscious. 
To this day I am still going strong! So don't be alarmed if you start seeing health posts here and there/maybe a lot. 
Anyway, one of the changes I made when being more health conscious was making sure that I eat breakfast every morning and that I eat something fulfilling and nutritious for breakfast. Enter my smoothie addiction.
I love smoothies because they are simple, tasty, and filling. While my smoothie recipes very from time to time I wanted to share with you guys the smoothie I have been making recently. 

A handful of spinach
Honey Strawberry Greek Yogurt
Raspberries, blueberries, banana (do what suits your taste!)
Peanut butter (though I prefer almond butter but I am out and need to finish the peanut butter)
Almond Milk (chocolate or vanilla - just depends what I have!)
Chia seeds (which I am also currently out of :( )
Rolled oats

It certainly doesn't look good, I know. The blueberries, raspberries, and spinach seem to always turn into this not so lovely brown color. But it does taste good! 

I don't have proportions that I follow. I do not add much peanut butter or greek yogurt. The great thing about smoothies is that the ingredients and proportions can vary and you have a new smoothie! 
I am hoping to try out a strawberry/banana/spinach/orange juice concoction soon.

I am also an avid eater of oatmeal the mornings that I do not have smoothies. Just remember that having breakfast kickstarts your metabolism! If you are busy like I am, smoothies are great to make and take on the go.

Do you have any smoothie recipes that you are particularly fond of? Let me know because I love trying/coming up with new concoctions! 


  1. Sidenote with your smoothies - I attempted to add protein powder to my smoothie. I wanted to like it... I tried to like... but to no avail. I am just not a fan... Have you added any protein before? I also added your button to my page!

    1. I have added protein before and I didn't like it. Maybe it was the protein powder I used but it tastes much better without the protein power - too me! I've tried adding protein powder to multiple different smoothie recipes and always find that I like them better without the protein powder.


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