
I'm the Kinda Girl Who...

As I was procrastinating chemistry this morning I was reading Juliette's blog and saw that she was participating in a link up that Holly hosts and thought it looked like a blast! So I decided to participate!

I'm the kinda girl who...

...Plans ahead. Even if that 'planning ahead' is when I should switch lanes while driving.

...Enjoys getting dressed up but has no shame wearing yoga pants/sweats and a old shirt in public.

...Asks way too many questions while Daniel is watching the history channel.

...Loves animals. Especially my fur nuggets and my horse.

...Loves beer.

...Is a workout enthusiast. It may of taken some time but I really do enjoy working out.

...Always has a candle lit, the scentsy burner on, or a wall plug in. I love the house to smell good all the time!

...Believes crockpot meals are an adequate form of cooking.

...Doesn't give up (aka stubborn). I can keep plugging along and I intend to do so until I reach my career goals.

...Was always taught never to depend on a man - just in case anything ever happened!

...Is an old lady. Seriously. I like being at home on the couch in my pajamas. If anything starts later than 8 then the likelihood of me there is slim to none. Yep, old fart over here :)

...Loves getting a good deal. There was this one time I got a pair of Jimmy Choo's for 75% off. Deal of a lifetime! Why can't that happen everyday??

...Who likes makeup but isn't bothered when I leave the house bare faced.

...Who likes food. Okay, loves food - and chocolate! Yum!

...Who doesn't like drama. I prefer to watch it on tv rather than have it in my life :)

Happy Wednesday everyone!


  1. According my Hubby I ask way to many questions during EVERY movie, TV Show what have you...I mean who says we can't chat and watch? LOL :)

  2. Love this!! It is so much fun getting to know you better!! We have so much in common!!

  3. Oh this is fun! I think we are probably related ;)

  4. Chocolate yes! And I am a huge planner as well :)


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