

I am going to warn you now that this is not the most uplifting post, but it is something I had not thought about and I doubt many people think about on a regular basis.
To preface this, Daniel gets out of bed around 6:30 every morning for work. This would be okay if we ever went to bed at a decent hour. During this time, he usually wakes up (6:30 late? I know, right?!) and says "Oh, shit I'm late!" while proceeding to gently push me off of him as he flies out of bed.
As you can imagine, I am beyond groggy and do not appreciate being rolled off of him so suddenly when I am trying to snuggle.

Between the early morning, the rolling me off of him, and his dad tending to call to make sure he is awake, I am not always in the best of moods when Daniel is leaving.
One particular morning - after this happened repeatedly, I was just not having it. It probably didn't help that I slept like crap the last three nights in a row because of thunderstorms and a scared little fluff ball flying at my head when there was thunder.
Every morning that Daniel leaves (even if it is frantic) he gives me a kiss and says "I love you."
I mumbled something not so coherent along the lines of "see you later" not meaning to not say "I love you too."
All of the sudden Daniel said something that hurt just a little (I hadn't thought about it this way!) and really made me think. He said, "Hanna, I don't like leaving without hearing you say 'I love you' in case something happens to either of us."
Dumbfounded...literally, I wasn't really awake nor was I expecting to hear that.

The scary part is, it's true. I don't wake up in the morning and think, "Oh, maybe Daniel wont come home tonight because something happened." I know we should be thankful for everyday and that anything could happen but I don't wake up and think that!

So what do you do now that the scary realization that you repress has hit you smack in the face?
You say "I love you" any chance you get, you don't take things for granted, and you appreciate the people and things in your life. 

Yes, life is/can become very stressful and at times we do not think about anything deeper than what we need to get done, dinner, has the dog gone outside, I haven't done laundry, or the dishes, or cleaned anything, etc. We need to take a breath (me included - most definitely!) and appreciate and be thankful for the "I love you's" and that our house hasn't burnt down and the car still runs (okay those were a little extreme, but they do happen!) and just be thankful. 

Appropriate, no?

Enjoy yourself because we truly don't know what might happen. 

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