
Food for Thought

If you haven't read this article I am about to mention…DO IT NOW! Seriously. I will threaten you with a spark if you do not read this article. 
I became acquanted with this article when everyone and their mother shared it on Facebook. 
At first I wasn't sure if I should read it because the title seemed foreboding. 
Do not let it discourage you! 

You can read the article HERE!
Click the link or die

So, what did you think?
It was incredibly eye opening to me. This article is a great remind for those who are single, married, dating, a cat lady, and, well, you get the point. 
Seeing as Daniel and I took a major step in our relationship by moving in together, starting a new phase of life (work for him - a career change and more school for me, ugh), buying two puppies, etc. 
Recently, I have been incredibly stressed out with school and I have not been pulling my weight as much as I normally do. I can usually get everything done without having any help from Daniel - not recently. And maybe I just feel odd asking for help vacuuming since I've never needed it, but Daniel has done so much recently and I haven't done as much. I know that a relationship, like a marriage, is give and take but I am stubborn so it's been a change for me.

My favorite thing about this article is the truth is bears. Marriage is not for you - it is for the other person and your future family. Moving here to be with Daniel was partially for school but the other half is because it offered Daniel a stable job, and property - for my future horses of course!
Is this city particularly where I want to be? Nope. It isn't Daniel's preferred place of living either, but there come times where you sacrifice things in order to help your significant other/yourself. and your future family. It's not for you or about it. It is for both of you and the people who are in your life/the future people in your life. 

I am still blown away. It is a great read and really puts marriage into perspective. The article is not saying that aspects of the marriage is not for you, just that the overall concept of marriage is not about you, you, you - but instead your partner and the life you two live. 

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