
Confession Friday!

What do you want to confess this week?
Join the link-up here!

What do I have to confess??

{1} I confess that I took my first micro test of the summer and I have nervous to say the least. The first tests are always nerve wracking, especially when they are timed! Eek!

{2} I confess that I only have one more week until I take the CNA certification! Can we say nervous?

{3} I confess that Daniel and I are now making our own guacomole to save a little money and it turned out so good! Recipe to come on Monday ;)

{4} I confess that Ben and Jerry's is on E-Vic special starting today and I may be making my way to the grocery store just for ice cream...

{5} I confess that another way that I am trying to save money is to limit my Starbucks consumption. Not that I will ever stop going to Starbucks but when I want caffeine every single day paying 3-4 dollars just isn't logical so I am now making my own coffee! I picked up the stuff last night and made my first glass today and it was a success! I made mine with caramel syrup and almond milk (along with cold coffee) and it was really good! 

{6} I confess that Daniel and I managed to have a short week day trip to the beach and it was fun! Can't wait to go again with our good friends in July :)

Boone learning that the water isn't so scary :)

So pretty

Happy Friday friends!


  1. Hi there! I found your blog through the link up. I am totally with you on cutting back on Starbucks, I am in love with their drinks but it got a little expensive ;)
    I hope you have a great weekend!!


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