
Confession Time!

Happy Friday everyone!

Today I am linking up with Leslie over at A Blonde Ambition to talk about my confessions. 
Link-up to join the fun!

{1} I confess not having my fake nails is hard. I've been painting my nails every 2-3 days because they chip or crack. The frustration is real people! 

{2} I confess that I am that crazy dog lady that walks around the neighborhood with a treat pouch. I have no shame. Daniel says I will be the mom with a fanny pack. Haha, I don't think so. 

{3} I confess that I am watching Orange is the New Black as slowly as I possibly can because I don't want to wait a whole other year for season 3! I am on episode 10 and I am in denial that I am almost done.

{4} I confess that I have a love for coral blushes and lipstick. I dug through my lipstick today and realized that I don't have many coral lipsticks (2) and I really am now on the hunt for an awesome new coral. Any suggestions??

{5} I confess that I am really enjoying my microbiology class but some of the chapters make me never want to touch anything ever again.

I have a busy weekend ahead and I'm looking forward to it!
What do you have going on?


  1. I have not watched Orange is the New Black, but, I have heard such great things about it!

  2. i hear ya on the nail thing, I have a hard time when my nails are not done, I keep wanting to bite them

    1. It doesn't seem like it should be so difficult!

  3. I am in the middle of a nail crisis too! I can't keep getting manicures every other week but I can't stand chipping nails! If only there was a top coat that really worked... Ugh! Nail problems.. ;)

    1. I am trying to go with the get nails done one week, paint my own the next week. I am lucky if I can make it 3 days without any chipping!


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