
Food for Thought - Engagements

I stumbled upon this article that talked about engagments nowadays and I must admit that I really enjoyed it.

Read the article here!

If you do not have time to read the article and want a cliff notes version well here it is:
The article talks about engagements in this day and age and asks the question why are we getting engaged? Is it because we are looking forward to the life we will have with this person after marriage or is it because we want our moment to be caught up in the spotlight also?

Now, this article really hit home with me because I am at that age where a lot of friends are getting engaged and I'm not going to lie to you and pretend that I haven't looked at everyone's engagements and wondered when it would be my turn. 
I am also guilty of having a "Future wedding" Pinterest board. How could you not with all the lovely wedding/bridal/decoration pictures?? 

Here's the thing - have we gotten a little over zealous when it comes to weddings and engagements nowadays? The article mentions our proposals and how extreme they are today.
I have to admit that I agree. Would I have a problem if I had a lavish proposal? Nope. 
The problem is the pressure that is put on the proposals. I admit that I see these pictures/videos and think to myself, 'Would people think that I'm boring if I was proposed to over dinner/while casually walking on the beach?? Will it no longer be exciting to others because there was no photographer to capture the moment? 

And what about our weddings? People drop insane amounts of money on weddings because it's a compitition. If you have the money, by all means go for it! I am not saying that a big fancy wedding is bad at all - the point I am getting at is that I feel it's for show and we lose the bigger picture - that two people are committing themselves to each other for life.

As I said above and I will say it again. There is nothing wrong with a fancy proposal, ring, wedding, flowers, etc. It's the pressure of when will it happen, how did it happen, and what is the big day going to be like? 

What do you think?


  1. I completely agree, I feel like marriage is viewed by the celebration only... not the years of commitment after it. I feel like it has gotten extreme since the world of Pinterest. My goodness, there are days that I want a wedding board and I have been married for eight years almost! The images are just so pretty and beautiful. But, sometimes you need a reminder that the really beautiful part (and sometimes harder than you could ever expect part) comes after the wedding date.

    1. You can't help but be mesmerized by all the pretty pictures and want some of it for yourself, but it has gotten a bit out of control - no doubt!


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