
Hopes and Plans

Happy Monday everyone! I do hope you had a nice weekend and have some fun plans for the 4th!
Here are my hopes and plans for the week :) 
One:: Put together a surprise for Daniel. Daniel does so much for me and works so hard so I want to put together a little surprise! I am thinking a summer on the farm survival kit. Success
Daniel's kit included stuff like gum, baby powder, travel size toilet paper, travel sized wet wipes, deodorant, almonds for snack, bug spray, gum, flavor for water, etc. You know, stuff you need on the farm when you're stuck on a tractor all day. And the cooler is for his lunches!
Two:: Try a new recipe! I have been eyeing a pork chop and apple recipe! Fresh Market has boneless
 pork chops on sale currently so I snagged a few and I'm thinking this is the week it's going to happen! And it turned out so good! Recipe to come! P.s. it's easy peasy!
Three:: Call/hopefully look at a house! There's a slightly crazy story behind this...stay tuned! I called so that counts ;)
Four:: Start studying for the NLN Pax again! I slacked off a bit while studying for my CNA 
certification so now it's time to hop back on the bandwagon. Time to keep it up!
Five:: While I'm on the topic of the NLN Pax - sign up for it! - Fail
Six:: Get a maxi dress hemmed. I've had this dress for a bit now and need to get it hemmed so that I can wear it!

One:: Sign up for the NLN Pax. Must be done!
Two:: Pay for fall classes. 
Three:: Pick up hemmed maxi dress! Hooray!
Four:: Apply, apply, apply - I am determined that a job will present itself soon!
Five:: Make a toe and nail appointment. I think Daniel is going fishing on Sunday so I am going to relax and enjoy myself. Well - that's the plan!
Six:: Do something fun for the 4th. Daniel and I were going to head to the beach for this 4th of July weekend but we were at my parents this past weekend and we will be heading to the beach shortly to spend some time with good friends! So we decided to stick around. Now we just need something to do!
What are you plans for the 4th??
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Marry Mint


  1. I can't wait for your recipe! I'm a sucker for EASY lol

    Enjoy your pedicure this week and thanks for linking up :)

  2. Another busy week for you!! I agree with Amanda, I love an easy recipe!

  3. Wow, your lists are inspiring! I stop at 4 things and I still only get one done :) ha!


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