
Confession Friday!!

How I feel on Friday!

Happy Friday everyone! 
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{1} I confess that I am late posting today because I took my CNA written and skills test today!

{2} I confess that 7 hours later (I mean, what?!) I passed both portions and am good to go on the job hunt!!

{3} I confess that I found a Birthday present for my sister at the beach last week and I am excited to give it to her because I think she's really going to like it! 

{4} I confess that I had to have my gel nails taken off in order to take the CNA test and it was a sad day.

{5} I confess that I am I have been trying to connect my DVD player wirelessly so that I can watch Orange is the New Black. It has not been working so I am now attempting to use Daniel's Xbox. Wish me luck!

{6} I confess that I am now proceeding to be lazy the rest of the day since I got done testing so late.

{7} I confess that the month of June is flying by!

What are your confessions? 
Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Congrats on the passing, good luck with the job hunting

  2. Congratulations and best of luck with your job hunt! Are your nails trashed post gel mani??

    1. Thanks girl :) They certainly aren't up to par considering what they use to be, but they aren't as bad as I thought they might be. A little thin but nothing awful!


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