
Hopes and Plans

Marry Mint

I am linking up with Amanda over at Marry Mint today!

My hopes and plans for this week! :)

One:: Put together a surprise for Daniel. Daniel does so much for me and works so hard so I want to put together a little surprise! I am thinking a summer on the farm survival kit.

Two:: Try a new recipe! I have been eyeing a pork chop and apple recipe! Fresh Market has boneless
 pork chops on sale currently so I snagged a few and I'm thinking this is the week it's going to happen!
Three:: Call/hopefully look at a house! There's a slightly crazy story behind this...stay tuned!

Four:: Start studying for the NLN Pax again! I slacked off a bit while studying for my CNA 
certification so now it's time to hop back on the bandwagon. 

Five:: While I'm on the topic of the NLN Pax - sign up for it!

Six:: Get a maxi dress hemmed. I've had this dress for a bit now and need to get it hemmed so that I can wear it!

What are your hopes and plans for this week?


  1. Summer on the farm survival kit?! I'm completely intrigued... :)

    Thank you for linking up with me! I so appreciate it and love reading what you have going on each week.

  2. Another busy week, sweet girl!


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