
Confession Friday Time!

Welcome to another Friday ladies! 
Any fun plans for the weekend?
Let's get to the confessions!
Join the fun here!

It's only fitting since it's basically the weekend!

{1} I confess that I have my horse show this weekend and I am excited! I'm heading over there today to ride Velvet and find my bearings since I haven't been to this show ground before.

{2}  I confess that we had the most wild thunderstorm yesterday! I thought it was a joke when the tv said winds in excess of 70mph...Nope!! The nuggets and I watched through the window and wondered if any of the trees behind the house would not make it and whether or not the stop sign was going to fly through the air. There's damage on multiple houses in the neighborhood!

{3} I confess that I learned something new yesterday. We shouldn't be walking our dogs on any type of asphalt if it would be too hot for us barefoot. I've always wondered if the hot asphalt could hurt your dogs pads and sure enough it can! The nuggets and I haven now switched to morning walks.

{4} I confess that I am changing up my eating and exercise routine a bit. Just tweaking it. I'll see how this goes!

{5} I confess that the nuggets are not allowed anything but rubber toys. They seek and destroy anything with any sort of fluff on it. Ugh. 

{6} I confess that I am very excited to hit the beach for a few days this coming week before I take my CNA tests and find a job (fingers crossed!)

Have a great weekend everyone! And try not to die in the heat!


  1. That thunderstorm sounds crazy! I dropped my friend off at college once and screamed make good choices out the window! hehehehe! Happy Friday!

    1. It was nuts! Haha, that's great! I hope you had a nice weekend :)


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