
Hopes and Plans

Happy Monday everyone! I do hope you had a nice weekend and have some fun plans for the 4th!
Here are my hopes and plans for the week :) 
One:: Put together a surprise for Daniel. Daniel does so much for me and works so hard so I want to put together a little surprise! I am thinking a summer on the farm survival kit. Success
Daniel's kit included stuff like gum, baby powder, travel size toilet paper, travel sized wet wipes, deodorant, almonds for snack, bug spray, gum, flavor for water, etc. You know, stuff you need on the farm when you're stuck on a tractor all day. And the cooler is for his lunches!
Two:: Try a new recipe! I have been eyeing a pork chop and apple recipe! Fresh Market has boneless
 pork chops on sale currently so I snagged a few and I'm thinking this is the week it's going to happen! And it turned out so good! Recipe to come! P.s. it's easy peasy!
Three:: Call/hopefully look at a house! There's a slightly crazy story behind this...stay tuned! I called so that counts ;)
Four:: Start studying for the NLN Pax again! I slacked off a bit while studying for my CNA 
certification so now it's time to hop back on the bandwagon. Time to keep it up!
Five:: While I'm on the topic of the NLN Pax - sign up for it! - Fail
Six:: Get a maxi dress hemmed. I've had this dress for a bit now and need to get it hemmed so that I can wear it!

One:: Sign up for the NLN Pax. Must be done!
Two:: Pay for fall classes. 
Three:: Pick up hemmed maxi dress! Hooray!
Four:: Apply, apply, apply - I am determined that a job will present itself soon!
Five:: Make a toe and nail appointment. I think Daniel is going fishing on Sunday so I am going to relax and enjoy myself. Well - that's the plan!
Six:: Do something fun for the 4th. Daniel and I were going to head to the beach for this 4th of July weekend but we were at my parents this past weekend and we will be heading to the beach shortly to spend some time with good friends! So we decided to stick around. Now we just need something to do!
What are you plans for the 4th??
Want to join the link up? Click here!
Marry Mint


Confession Time!

Happy Friday everyone!

Today I am linking up with Leslie over at A Blonde Ambition to talk about my confessions. 
Link-up to join the fun!

{1} I confess not having my fake nails is hard. I've been painting my nails every 2-3 days because they chip or crack. The frustration is real people! 

{2} I confess that I am that crazy dog lady that walks around the neighborhood with a treat pouch. I have no shame. Daniel says I will be the mom with a fanny pack. Haha, I don't think so. 

{3} I confess that I am watching Orange is the New Black as slowly as I possibly can because I don't want to wait a whole other year for season 3! I am on episode 10 and I am in denial that I am almost done.

{4} I confess that I have a love for coral blushes and lipstick. I dug through my lipstick today and realized that I don't have many coral lipsticks (2) and I really am now on the hunt for an awesome new coral. Any suggestions??

{5} I confess that I am really enjoying my microbiology class but some of the chapters make me never want to touch anything ever again.

I have a busy weekend ahead and I'm looking forward to it!
What do you have going on?


How's Your Eyebrow Game?

If you are anything like me then you can do a nice winged liner but was always afraid to fill in your eyebrows. 
For the most part, I like natural makeup. I have watched Youtube gurus for years say that filling in your eyebrows is a huge part of your beauty routine - but I just couldn't bring myself to do it!
I was so afraid that they would look like I took a marker to them. 
About a month or two ago I kept looking at my eyebrows after doing my makeup and thought to myself that they tend to disappear a little, and I didn't like that! 
So I sucked it up and went out and bought the best eyebrow product ever!

Say hello to Anastasia's Brow Wiz! 

I had heard beauty gurus rave about this product so I sucked it up and bought it.
This product looks so natural and if you want to define your brows a little more, it is build able without looking like a marker!

You can do your makeup so natural and barely fill in your brows and it completely frames your face.
I do not know how I lasted so long without this product and I will definitely be purchasing another one whenever I run out!

If were worried about filling in your brows, ladies, do not fear anymore!

I hope everyone is having a nice Wednesday.


Hopes and Plans

Marry Mint

I am linking up with Amanda over at Marry Mint today!

My hopes and plans for this week! :)

One:: Put together a surprise for Daniel. Daniel does so much for me and works so hard so I want to put together a little surprise! I am thinking a summer on the farm survival kit.

Two:: Try a new recipe! I have been eyeing a pork chop and apple recipe! Fresh Market has boneless
 pork chops on sale currently so I snagged a few and I'm thinking this is the week it's going to happen!
Three:: Call/hopefully look at a house! There's a slightly crazy story behind this...stay tuned!

Four:: Start studying for the NLN Pax again! I slacked off a bit while studying for my CNA 
certification so now it's time to hop back on the bandwagon. 

Five:: While I'm on the topic of the NLN Pax - sign up for it!

Six:: Get a maxi dress hemmed. I've had this dress for a bit now and need to get it hemmed so that I can wear it!

What are your hopes and plans for this week?


Confession Friday!!

How I feel on Friday!

Happy Friday everyone! 
Want to join in on the fun? Click here!

{1} I confess that I am late posting today because I took my CNA written and skills test today!

{2} I confess that 7 hours later (I mean, what?!) I passed both portions and am good to go on the job hunt!!

{3} I confess that I found a Birthday present for my sister at the beach last week and I am excited to give it to her because I think she's really going to like it! 

{4} I confess that I had to have my gel nails taken off in order to take the CNA test and it was a sad day.

{5} I confess that I am I have been trying to connect my DVD player wirelessly so that I can watch Orange is the New Black. It has not been working so I am now attempting to use Daniel's Xbox. Wish me luck!

{6} I confess that I am now proceeding to be lazy the rest of the day since I got done testing so late.

{7} I confess that the month of June is flying by!

What are your confessions? 
Have a great weekend everyone!


Food for Thought - Engagements

I stumbled upon this article that talked about engagments nowadays and I must admit that I really enjoyed it.

Read the article here!

If you do not have time to read the article and want a cliff notes version well here it is:
The article talks about engagements in this day and age and asks the question why are we getting engaged? Is it because we are looking forward to the life we will have with this person after marriage or is it because we want our moment to be caught up in the spotlight also?

Now, this article really hit home with me because I am at that age where a lot of friends are getting engaged and I'm not going to lie to you and pretend that I haven't looked at everyone's engagements and wondered when it would be my turn. 
I am also guilty of having a "Future wedding" Pinterest board. How could you not with all the lovely wedding/bridal/decoration pictures?? 

Here's the thing - have we gotten a little over zealous when it comes to weddings and engagements nowadays? The article mentions our proposals and how extreme they are today.
I have to admit that I agree. Would I have a problem if I had a lavish proposal? Nope. 
The problem is the pressure that is put on the proposals. I admit that I see these pictures/videos and think to myself, 'Would people think that I'm boring if I was proposed to over dinner/while casually walking on the beach?? Will it no longer be exciting to others because there was no photographer to capture the moment? 

And what about our weddings? People drop insane amounts of money on weddings because it's a compitition. If you have the money, by all means go for it! I am not saying that a big fancy wedding is bad at all - the point I am getting at is that I feel it's for show and we lose the bigger picture - that two people are committing themselves to each other for life.

As I said above and I will say it again. There is nothing wrong with a fancy proposal, ring, wedding, flowers, etc. It's the pressure of when will it happen, how did it happen, and what is the big day going to be like? 

What do you think?


Hopes and Plans Summer Edition

Marry Mint

Join/check out the link up by clicking here!

My Hopes and Plans from last week:

**One:: Order vacuum filter. After running around to all different stores no one had the vacuum filter. I found it online and have just been forgetting to order it! 
**So I tried to order a vacuum filter but the one I need is sold out everywhere!! A for effort, though, right?
Two:: CNA, CNA, CNA. Study, study, study! Now to keep it up for my test on Friday, ahh!

Three:: Paint my toenails. Seems so simple but I tend to put it off because I am always doing other stuff. It actually happened! Now I'll be lazy until they get terrible again.

Four:: Make homemade guacamole! Daniel and I spend too much money buying the fresh stuff at the Mexican Restaurant so now it's time to be cheap. It turned out sooo good!! Would you like the recipe??

***Five:: Make it to the umbrella market downtown. I have been dying to get to the umbrella market. It is held weekly and offers organic food and also has homemade ice-cream, and a variety of different vendors. I have been dying to get my hands on some grass fed beef. 
**This didn't happen but I have a good excuse! I ended up at the beach instead so that's okay, yes?!

Six:: Alter my eating. Yes this is going on here so I will be held accountable for it! Started altering my eating a bit! Time to keep it up! Hello hopeful summer body!

My Hopes and Plans for the summer:

One:: I hope to go paddle boarding this summer! I have been dying to try it forever and I hope this will be the summer!

Two:: I hope to horse show again! I had so much fun showing again and I hope to get back in the saddle so to speak!

Three:: I plan on altering my gym routine and to eat even better. I have already implemented both of these and so far so good! Lets see what happens :)

Four:: To finally get a job! I take the CNA test on Friday so hopefully I will have a job within the next few weeks as soon as I am certified!

Five:: To find/buy a house. Lease is running out, there are decisions to be made, and hopefully it all works out!

Six:: Be able to (and keep up with) painting my nails well. I had my fake nails taken off yesterday and it was a sad moment because I've had those suckers on for three years. Going all natural is definitely weird so I had to paint my nails yesterday. I am hoping to nail the art of painting ones nails - so that it looks like I had a manicure done - by the end of this summer. Hopefully it won't even take me that long :)


Confession Friday!

What do you want to confess this week?
Join the link-up here!

What do I have to confess??

{1} I confess that I took my first micro test of the summer and I have nervous to say the least. The first tests are always nerve wracking, especially when they are timed! Eek!

{2} I confess that I only have one more week until I take the CNA certification! Can we say nervous?

{3} I confess that Daniel and I are now making our own guacomole to save a little money and it turned out so good! Recipe to come on Monday ;)

{4} I confess that Ben and Jerry's is on E-Vic special starting today and I may be making my way to the grocery store just for ice cream...

{5} I confess that another way that I am trying to save money is to limit my Starbucks consumption. Not that I will ever stop going to Starbucks but when I want caffeine every single day paying 3-4 dollars just isn't logical so I am now making my own coffee! I picked up the stuff last night and made my first glass today and it was a success! I made mine with caramel syrup and almond milk (along with cold coffee) and it was really good! 

{6} I confess that Daniel and I managed to have a short week day trip to the beach and it was fun! Can't wait to go again with our good friends in July :)

Boone learning that the water isn't so scary :)

So pretty

Happy Friday friends!


A Little Pick Me Up

Hey everyone!
Are you starting to feel yourself drag as we hit the halfway point of the week??
Do you need a little entertainment to distract yourself from work/school/etc?
Need a little mid afternoon pick me up?

Well look no further!

If you need to take a little break to get your brain back in the game then make your way over to youtube and google Jimmy Fallon Lip Syncing Battles. 
You will not be disappointed! 

I will give you a little sneak peak to encourage you to waste some time watching these battles. Or the broadway versions of popular songs is also good entertainment :)

They're all great but I have to say that Emma Stone was phenomenal and everyone should bow down! 

Enjoy :) 


Hopes and Plans!

Marry Mint

Hey guys, I hope everyone had a great weekend! 
I did but I will update you on all of that on Wednesday! 

Last Week:
One:: Sign up to take CNA test. Pretty self explanatory but it needs to be done!

Two:: Balance my finances for this month. Yep, definitely needs to happen.

Three:: Practice my CNA skills. This most definitely needs to happen. I hope Daniel does't mind getting his pulse and blood pressure checked A LOT.

Four:: Get Velvet trimmed up for the show. She's in need of a bath and some primping.

Five:: NLN Pax Studying. Do it!

Six:: Find a vacuum filter. So the vacuum filter needs to be replaced and I figured why not go to the place that you bought the vacuum. Logical, yes? Well guess what, they have every filter under the sun but the one that works for the vacuum I have. Grrr...

This Week:
One:: Order vacuum filter. After running around to all different stores no one had the vacuum filter. I found it online and have just been forgetting to order it!

Two:: CNA, CNA, CNA. Study, study, study!

Three:: Paint my toenails. Seems so simple but I tend to put it off because I am always doing other stuff.

Four:: Make homemade guacamole! Daniel and I spend too much money buying the fresh stuff at the Mexican Restaurant so now it's time to be cheap.

Five:: Make it to the umbrella market downtown. I have been dying to get to the umbrella market. It is held weekly and offers organic food and also has homemade ice-cream, and a variety of different vendors. I have been dying to get my hands on some grass fed beef.

Six:: Alter my eating. Yes this is going on here so I will be held accountable for it!


Confession Friday Time!

Welcome to another Friday ladies! 
Any fun plans for the weekend?
Let's get to the confessions!
Join the fun here!

It's only fitting since it's basically the weekend!

{1} I confess that I have my horse show this weekend and I am excited! I'm heading over there today to ride Velvet and find my bearings since I haven't been to this show ground before.

{2}  I confess that we had the most wild thunderstorm yesterday! I thought it was a joke when the tv said winds in excess of 70mph...Nope!! The nuggets and I watched through the window and wondered if any of the trees behind the house would not make it and whether or not the stop sign was going to fly through the air. There's damage on multiple houses in the neighborhood!

{3} I confess that I learned something new yesterday. We shouldn't be walking our dogs on any type of asphalt if it would be too hot for us barefoot. I've always wondered if the hot asphalt could hurt your dogs pads and sure enough it can! The nuggets and I haven now switched to morning walks.

{4} I confess that I am changing up my eating and exercise routine a bit. Just tweaking it. I'll see how this goes!

{5} I confess that the nuggets are not allowed anything but rubber toys. They seek and destroy anything with any sort of fluff on it. Ugh. 

{6} I confess that I am very excited to hit the beach for a few days this coming week before I take my CNA tests and find a job (fingers crossed!)

Have a great weekend everyone! And try not to die in the heat!


May Favorites!

Another month down means more favorites! 

{1} Clearasil Face Cleanser 
I used clearasil years ago and then I gave it up to switch to a more tempting face wash - like ones that smell like grapefruit or have cleansing beads. Long story short they all fell short of how well clearasil cleaned my face. It maybe boring but it certainly works!
Update: They now have a superfruit wash! When I run out of my current one, I am definitely trying this!

{2} Maybelline Color Sensational Lip Gloss
I have a few of these and wasn't sure how I originally felt about them. For me, when I first start applying them they don't seem that opaque, but as you start to move your lips around the color comes to life! I am not sure how it happens but I am impressed. They also are incredibly smooth and do not dry out my lips. I am currently loving the color apricot! 

{3} Marc Jacobs Makeout Lip Balm
Do you want something hydrating?? This is your stuff! 
Honestly, it feels like I have little water droplets all over my lips when I wear this stuff. 
I really like to put it on before bed and when I wake up!

{4} Tarte Blush (Adored)
I love Tarte as a brand. They do not test on animals, are eco friendly, and their makeup ingredients are all natural. I really love this pink blush. You can pop a little bit on for a slight flush or build it up without it looking overbearing. 

{5} Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Easy Baked
I absolutely love this eyeshadow as an everyday color. It is a beautiful gold that gives your eyes a nice hint of color that you can just pop on and go, you can do a nice winged liner with this color, or add some depth in the crease and in the outside corner of your eye!

{6} Think Thin Crunch Bar
I bought one of these on a whim at Fresh Market and I can now say that I love these bars! 
The flavors are incredible. If you like something a little crunchy and sweat definitely check these out!
The coconut chocolate one that I tried - so good!

What were your favorite things during the month of May?


Hopes and Plans!

Once again I am linking up with Amanda over at Marry Mint to bring you my weekly hopes and plans!

Marry Mint

Last weeks hopes and plans:

One:: Keep the pace going for my online classSo far so good!

Two:: Sign up for Evic for Harris Teeter.  It actually happened! After saying that for a month now, I did it!

Three:: Go over all of the skills for CNA class.  Having class on Saturday kinda helped with this one.

Four:: Ride my wild mustang multiple times this week as we prepare for our first show in a few years!  And she was fantastic!

Five:: Keep studying for the NLN Pax.  Yessir

Six:: Wash the nuggets. It actually happened! Daniel and I washed the boys on Sunday and they are little fluffers!

This week:

One:: Sign up to take CNA test. Pretty self explanatory but it needs to be done!

Two:: Balance my finances for this month. Yep, definitely needs to happen.

Three:: Practice my CNA skills. This most definitely needs to happen. I hope Daniel does't mind getting his pulse and blood pressure checked A LOT.

Four:: Get Velvet trimmed up for the show. She's in need of a bath and some primping.

Five:: NLN Pax Studying. Do it!

Six:: Find a vacuum filter. So the vacuum filter needs to be replaced and I figured why not go to the place that you bought the vacuum. Logical, yes? Well guess what, they have every filter under the sun but the one that works for the vacuum I have. Grrr...

I hope you have had a good weekend! 
Monday is never fun but we got this!
Motivation Monday:

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