
Oysters, Food, and Trees - Oh My!

This weekend ended up being an extremely relaxing one. I was originally going to be at a horse show but since Remi decided to injure himself, we missed out. 
As much as that bums me out, it is okay because next weekend is going to be quite busy and having nothing to do this weekend was actually really nice! 

Friday night consisted of beer and Mexican food because, as optimistic as I was about Friday, it started off not so good. I had to go onto campus (which is a pain because parking is nonexistent and I thought I solved all the problems by parking in my friends driveway since she was at a horse show) in order to get recommendations and I had to go visit the office of the registar - see I HAD a plan to kill all 3 birds with one stone and then I would finally have some peace restored to my life. Well...I power walked/sprinted to my first teacher meeting and she wasn't there. Yep, she wrote down the wrong day and thought we were meeting after the weekend on Monday. Needless to say this was very upsetting- especially since she e-mailed to clear the confusion but still hasn't e-mailed me back about rescheduling. Thankfully my second meeting, with another teacher, was successful and the office of the registar couldn't give me the answer I really wanted but at least I now know what's going on. 
So yea, that was my Friday.

Saturday was a good day. I got my butt kicked by zumba, ran all the errands I had to run, and then Nick and I went to have oysters at his place with his room mates and some friends. It was dark and my hands were freezing but it was a good night that consisted of a fire and beer - and oysters, but I don't like them. The only thing that could have made it better was s'mores. Maybe next time ;)
And guess what else exciting thing happened on Saturday? A tree. Yes, I now have a baby tree in my front yard. Apparently the community did a plant a tree day (and I'm so bummed that I missed it and didn't plant my own tree because that would have been awesome) so when I woke up there was a baby tree in my yard. 

Sunday was all about laziness, food, and football. Seriously lazy. 

Ash and I enjoyed some morning snuggles

Nick and I literally left the house once for the span of, maybe, 20 minutes just to get Starbucks and Bojangles

Our wild Sunday adventure to get food since I neglected to buy breakfast food even though I went to the grocery store the day before.

While I may have forgotten the breakfast food, I did buy food to try out a new chili recipe (coming soon!) and it was so incredibly good. 
White bean chicken chili.

The only downfall to the weekend was my time spent studying and remembering how much I dislike word problems.

How was your weekend?

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