
A Non-Boring Thanksgiving {2015}

Hello everyone! 
Long time no blog posts. We all know I fail a bit when it comes to consistency on here. It is not intentional because I really enjoy blogging, but life gets in the way (a lot) and I know you all understand how that goes. 

Ash says, "If I fits I ships!"

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was definitely unforgettable. It started better than expected, as in we did not hit any traffic at all on Wednesday and we left not long before rush hour! We did get slightly congested at one point, but I couldn't complain considering I figured I would be sitting on the highway for ever. 
Thanksgiving day was spent with my family and all the animals. We ate, watched football, and ate some more!
Friday Nick and I headed to his parents house to have a second Thanksgiving. I ate some more, watched more football, ate again, and then Nick and I went to Tanglewood to see all the lights! Christmas lights/Christmas music is pretty much a dream come true for me.

So many lights! This is just the beginning.

On Saturday Nick and I got up and set out to Pilot Mountain to hike. It was a beautiful 70 degree day and we hiked forever. Definitely my fault as I thought Nick had given up to early and I decided that that was totally unacceptable...Well about 3 or 4 miles later I was regretting my optimistic attitude about forging on. Long story short we made it! 

I am likely trying to say, "Do you hate me for making you walk an extra hour?"

Look at those smiles! This was only about halfway into our journey...

Later that afternoon/evening my sister was taken to the ER for possible appendicitis. She refused to let me take a picture of us in the hospital but I did go to visit her on Sunday and she unfortunately had to stay until at least Monday if not Tuesday. Doesn't seem to be appendicitis but we're not quite sure what is going on with her. Definitely not how anyone envisioned their Thanksgiving ending, but thankfully Caitlin is alright and hopefully she will be released soon!

How was your Thanksgiving? Was it eventful, relaxing, hectic, all of the above?

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