
Fantastic Friday

Hey guys, how's it going?
I am sure everyone is happy that it is Friday! I know I am.

So what has been going on in my life lately? Find out below.

Linking up with Amanda

The good news is that Remi is going to be a-okay. The bad news...I can't ride him for two weeks. Thankfully week one is coming to a close so I only have to survive one more week of not riding my horse but considering the stress/frustration that I keep running into thanks to nursing schools...I really need my horse back.

Speaking of nursing schools...applying to all different schools literally makes me feel like this:

Why can't people just do their job and respond to e-mails/phone calls?! I have questions people and I need YOUR help since your e-mail or phone number is listed as the contact to my questions. Okay, rant over.

So today you get another picture of Remington because today/this weekend is our one year together! Well big nugget we have come a long way in a year: I went from not liking you/partially being afraid that I was going to become airborne every time I rode you to loving you and completely trusting you. Can't wait to see what we accomplish next year.


When Nick asks what I want for dinner..

How I felt after stepping up my workout routine this week...

How I feel studying for yet another pre-entrance test for nursing school...

So I may or may not be slightly obsessed with Same Old Love by Selena Gomez. Listen below!

p.s. Sephora's VIB sale is today! I contained myself and only went after one item, which slightly broke my heart because, hello 20% off makeup/fragrance, but it also made me feel somewhat good that I still have some self control in life.

Other makeup junkies...what all did you go after?


  1. So glad Remi will be okay! Hoping for a speedy recovery!

  2. I love a good gif! We actually used the same one today (just with different words on it haha). Great, funny minds think alike! :)


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