
Crest 3D Whitestrips Professional Effects - Review

Sorry it has taken me so long to get around to this. Between being out of town and frantically applying to every nursing school possible - not really, but it feels like it - I have been neglecting the blog.

I was going to update you about my weekend since we had an unfortunate event happen at the horse show but I know I kept saying I would write a review on the whitening strips so I decided to do that instead.

First of all, I would like to say that the box of whitestrips was purchased by myself. I decided to purchase them because, while my teeth aren't bad, I wanted my teeth to be whiter. Plus the reviews for these were great and the before and after pictures suckered me in - so I gave it a go! 

What you get: 20 pouches - 40 strips.

How it works: You wear the strips for 30 minutes everyday for 20 days. In other reviews people noted that they experienced some sensitivity and would take a day or two off before using the strips again.
I experienced minimal sensitivity and think I only skipped one day.



Overall Thoughts: The nice thing about the whole process is that it is easy. You apply the strips for 30 minutes once a day for 20 days and you obtain a whiter smile. I do like the convenience of the whitestrips! Overall, I wasn't blown away by my results. I can notice a bit of a difference in my two pictures (I also took them in different lighting, which I just realized and that probably was't the best), but in person I really do not notice much of a difference when I smile. 
Do I think they were a fail? No, I think there is a bit of a difference but compared to the before and after pictures I had seen posted all over the internet, I was kinda bummed that mine didn't look that different. Considering the price and the convenience I would probably give it a go again. 

What do you think? Is there a method that you use to whiten your teeth that you feels works well? Comment down below!

I will be back Friday with my weekly updates and favorites!

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