
Friday Favorites

It's the first Friday in December and that makes me so giddy because I love December! 
I honestly can't believe that it is December. So much has gone on this year and I cannot believe how quickly it has gone by.

Linking up with Amanda and Karli

Let's talk about this weeks favorites - as told by pictures and gifs!

When I finally get the good news that the 5 week classes I need for the nursing program are transferable and therefore I can apply for the fall cohort...

When I was late to work the other morning...

I have never been late to work before so this was slightly devastating to me that I didn't make it in time. I left early but didn't realize how hard it would be to get past the school and turn left at 7:30 in the morning. You live and you learn, right?

I'm pretty sure if my nuggets could talk they would probably introduce themselves like this...

I cannot explain to you the excitement that I am feeling about getting a Christmas tree this weekend! I don't love putting on the lights but I love decorating the tree and the boys enjoy helping me by gnawing on the branches. Brats.

German Goodies! I have a good friend who lives in Germany and every year she sends me goodies from Germany as a Christmas present! I am slightly ashamed to say that I have devoured a hunk of the candy (the Ritter's are so good!) and I have been using the chopstick and wearing the earrings she sent me! 

Update: It seems you can get these little suckers from World Market! Ah happy days!


  1. Hahah that dog!! So cute and gfunny!

  2. Ritter's are good - I have had them before as a Christmas gift at work. YUM! Decorating the Christmas tree is always fun... hope you had a great weekend!

    1. They are so good! Thank you, decorating the tree is an on going process.


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