
2015 - A Review

2015 was one heck of a year, and that's putting it lightly.

Here goes nothing...

Dear 2015,
For the longest time I really wished that you would end. I thought that 2015 was going to be my year. I was going to get engaged and I was going to start nursing school. Well, I didn't make it off the wait list for the accelerated nursing program so I thought I would try again - and that's just what I did. Even though nursing school didn't work out at the time, I did get engaged. I thought I was happy, I thought my life was coming together. It wasn't. In april of this year my engagement ended. 
I wasn't even engaged a full 2 months. 
That was a rough time for my entire family. I was lost, hurt, and confused. 
What was I going to do with my life? Why did my engagement end? Questions that will probably remain unanswered. 
My whole life turned upside down. With the help of my family and friends, I moved to a different house, started over with my two dogs, and had a young horse who I still wasn't fond of. 
2015, you may have shook me but I carried on.

I took classes that summer for nursing school and got rejected again. Why was I rejected when I was told by my advisor that I would for sure get in? She made a crucial mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay. I don't condemn her for her mistake, but I do wish she had payed closer attention to my graduation date and my credit hours. So here I am taking 3 five week classes just so I can apply to the fall cohort instead of waiting a whole year to apply again. I branched out and I applied to other nursing schools.

2015, you and I had a lot of downs.
 Very low downs. While I wish the downs weren't so drastic, we also had good times.
I met someone else. Someone who puts my happiness first. Someone who adores me. Someone who would do anything to make me happy. Someone who supports my dreams. I met someone who rubs my feet at night when I'm stressed and surprises me with flowers and Starbucks when they get the chance. 
The second good thing about 2015 was Remi. Remi and I bonded. It took a while (aka a solid 6 months - AT LEAST), but we did it. You may be quirky, moody, and bratty, but I love you. I trust you. You and I have become a team and I am so excited to see what our coming years together have in store. 

2015, you taught me a lot. 
You taught me how to completely let go of a plan and move on. You taught me how to be resilient, you taught me that it is okay to seek help, you taught me to carry on, and you taught me that it is okay to get off track and start again. 

Dear 2015,
We cried a lot, we laughed a lot, and we cried even more. Thanks for all the memories but it is time to say goodbye. 
Bring on 2016.

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