
Bits Of Cheer And Countdown To Christmas!

Can you believe that we are only a few days away from Christmas? I can't.
 Every year I want Christmas to hurry up and come so badly but then I hit December and it all goes by way too fast. Honestly it makes me a bit sad to know that within a week I will be taking down all of my Christmas decorations.
Thankfully for the last week of the link-ups (Alisha and Pinky), I have even more decorations and happiness from my parent's house to share with you.

The nuggets and their Christmas present. 

Every year I get the boys a squeaky, fluffy, toy for them to, play with, destroy in the span of 10 minutes. I thankfully managed to snap these pictures within the first two minutes of them acquiring their new toys. I assure you that within the span of 8 more minutes there was toy stuffing everywhere. I'm glad they enjoyed it while it lasted.

Christmas means being reunited with good friends. 

This lovely lady has been gone for far too long. She is accomplishing many wonderful things while away at PT school but I miss her terribly. While our two hour chat fest wasn't near long enough for my liking, I am so happy that we were able to take some time out our crazy holiday schedules and see each other! 

Christmas time at mom and dads.

Every year I come home for Christmas. While there may be new horses, new boyfriends, and a whole lot of chaos going on around the holidays, there is one thing I can always count on and that is going back to mom and dads, seeing my parents houses decorated, and watching A Christmas Story as we exchange gifts on Christmas day. Some things will never get old.

I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas! My posting may be limited this week as I am visiting family and studying/taking three tests. If I do not update anymore this week I will definitely be back next week to share my Christmas with you all.


  1. The picture of you and your friend is ADORABLE. So cute. I love being down at my parents too - something about being home around Christmas is magical! Merry Christmas, friend. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Merry Christmas to you as well! I hope you and your family have a wonderful day.


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