
It's Friday Favorites!

Did you miss me?
I didn't plan on being MIA this week but between recovering from the bachlorette party, work, horse show, and preparing for the bridal shower I have failed to update the blog. 

I promise I will update you all on the exciting weekend that was the bachlorette weekend when I actually have some time to breath next week.

In the meantime let me share some fun things with you!

Linking up with Amanda

Look what I found in Target the other day! Forgive me if I am behind but I had never seen the Burt's Bees Pumpkin Spice Chapstick - so naturally I bought it! 

Alka Seltzer Cold Day and Night has been my best friend recently. Last week I came home from work and felt horrible. Then I work up Wednesday so congested. I still cannot fully shake whatever is hanging on but I definitely feel better. First cold of the season?

I know I am going to update you all but as stressed as I was about the bachlorette party, it went quite well and the bride to be had a blast!

Green smoothies. I generally tend to be fairly healthy but for some reason I have had a hard time finding a green smoothie that I will drink on a regular basis. Yesterday morning I made a green smoothie that I actually enjoyed! 

I danced to this song in zumba the other night and now I am slightly obsessed with it. Why? I think it's just catchy and upbeat and I like it!

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