
Falling For Fall Link-Up

Today I am linking up with Pink Persistence to talk about fall! 

Fall is my favorite season and I have been craving it ever since we've hit the 60's in the mornings and evenings. If only we would hit 60's as our highs. Since it is officially fall now (YES!!), I am going to tell you about some of my favorite things for the fall season and just a few general things that I am thankful for that have happened recently.

+Fall footwear. If you read my Friday Favorites post then you already saw my obsession with fringe booties. I also have a tall boot obsession, duck boot problem, and I found these new babies this past weekend. Can we say bum around town and still look cute in these?

+Fall nail polish. I was a bit ahead of the game and painted my nails a dark red the other week because I am just a lover of neutral and red nail colors. My new favorite is Essie's Very Cranberry.

+I am thankful for the people who have paid for my drink in the Starbucks line the past two weeks. Yes, I have had two separate occasions in the last two weeks in which people ahead of me have paid for my drink. This fall I also plan on paying it forward.

+I am thankful that I can pull out my dark red lipsticks and lip colors. I am not a believer that you must only wear dark reds in the fall and winter but I tend to do lighter makeup in the summer and don't touch my darker lipsticks unless it's a special occasion. In the fall when it is cool, aka when I don't sweat all my makeup off and want to wear a little more than BB cream, I reach for my dark red lipsticks immediately - like this one!

Buxom Menace

+This fall I am committed to keeping up my workout routine and my healthier eating. I fit into a size 2 dress this weekend you all! It may be a big size two for all I know but the tag says 2 and I have never fit into something that said 2 - except maybe once in my life. 

+Football and tailgating! I get to tailgate for the first time this season on Saturday and I could not be more excited! Now I just have to decide what to wear...


  1. Cheers to fall officially starting. I LOVE your post, lady! I am alll about the fall nail polish and lipstick shades, they are ON POINT this year. Good luck with your work outs, I know you will rock them!

    Thanks for linking up with us today

    1. Thank you so much! I sure hope so! I plan on rocking them but we will see ;)

  2. I definitely need to get back on track with my healthy eating after the past few months as well - something about summer makes me want to eat ALL the things! Also in desperate need of some new fall polishes so I'll have to pick up Very Cranberry! Thanks for linking up with us :)

    1. Yes, I agree! There are so many good things to eat in the summer, like ice cream :)


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