
Hows It Going This Friday?

Today I am linking up with Karli and Amanda!

I get to see this man in concert tonight! Besides the fact that it will be raining for most the day and night, I am looking forward to it!

Yes I shamelessly posed my Starbucks cup with my horse yesterday. So can we all just take a minute to admire the fall cups?? Also I tried the new Toasted Graham Latte yesterday and while it was good I wasn't blown away.

I am a sucker for anything miniature! I did not pick these up (and slightly regret it), but I still think they are adorable! They also had mini mason jar shot glasses that I also wanted - but I restrained myself!


So instead of buying the mini shot glasses, I made a more worth while and practical purchase (for me) and bought the Rewined Spiked Cider candle! I love these candles but have not had this scent before and very much like it. 

Friday funny!


  1. have so much fun at the concert!!! I would love to see him one day!

  2. Love those candles! I actually bought a bunch and gave them as part of Christmas gifts for my friends last year. Definitely want to try the spiked cider one! Happy weekend :)

    1. That is a wonderful idea! I have yet to burn the spiked cider one but it sure smells good.


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