
Reliving My Glory Days...Kinda

This weekend I decided that I am officially old beyond my years. 
I use to be able to go out two nights in a row, stay out late, and do it again the next day.
This weekend I learned that two days of being out is about all I can handle...And I may not handle it as well as I use to.

Back in my college days I could easily go out Friday night and tailgate all of Saturday/go out that night. This weekend I learned that hitting a concert on a Friday night and then being at a tailgate at 9:30 in the morning was a lot for me to handle. Then when I had someone ask me to go out that night I happily turned them down to trudge back to my house and bed.

Friday night was a long (for my old self) but so much fun. Minus being rained on ALL weekend, I had a good time! Nick and I left for the Luke Bryan concert when Nick got off work. The concert itself was so incredibly fun. This is the second time I have seen Luke and he never dissapoints.

Yep, it's blurry and crappy and it's all I managed to get.

That night Nick and I didn't make it back until about 1AM and I was half asleep in the truck and Nick had to have me talk to him in order to stay awake. We were doing real well that night folks. 

Saturday morning called for a 6:30 wake up call and I wanted to die when the alarm went off. The first thing out of Nick's mouth that morning was, "Do you want a beer?" 
Me: "No"
Nick: "Me either"
Side note: This is when I realized that 5 hours of sleep was not enough and that I would rather have stayed in bed than gotten up to drink and hang out. College Hanna would have gladly rolled out of bed to do all of these things. 
After making necessary stops (Nick's work so we could get the radio, breakfast, beer, etc.) we were in the lot at 9:30, went to the game at 3:30, got home at 8, and fell asleep on the couch at 9:30. You see that?! I can't even make it until 10pm anymore! It's kinda sad. I did have a lot of fun at the game even though it rained almost all day and then I discovered that my raincoat was not so water proof anymore and I was so incredibly wet by the end of the game. Fun times. 

This is literally the only time it wasn't raining, and yes, I did play flip cup and remembered why I always liked beer pong better.

The weekend was too much for Nick and he napped while I went to the gym.

This pretty much sums it up on Saturday night.

How was your weekend?


Hows It Going This Friday?

Today I am linking up with Karli and Amanda!

I get to see this man in concert tonight! Besides the fact that it will be raining for most the day and night, I am looking forward to it!

Yes I shamelessly posed my Starbucks cup with my horse yesterday. So can we all just take a minute to admire the fall cups?? Also I tried the new Toasted Graham Latte yesterday and while it was good I wasn't blown away.

I am a sucker for anything miniature! I did not pick these up (and slightly regret it), but I still think they are adorable! They also had mini mason jar shot glasses that I also wanted - but I restrained myself!


So instead of buying the mini shot glasses, I made a more worth while and practical purchase (for me) and bought the Rewined Spiked Cider candle! I love these candles but have not had this scent before and very much like it. 

Friday funny!


Falling For Fall Link-Up

Today I am linking up with Pink Persistence to talk about fall! 

Fall is my favorite season and I have been craving it ever since we've hit the 60's in the mornings and evenings. If only we would hit 60's as our highs. Since it is officially fall now (YES!!), I am going to tell you about some of my favorite things for the fall season and just a few general things that I am thankful for that have happened recently.

+Fall footwear. If you read my Friday Favorites post then you already saw my obsession with fringe booties. I also have a tall boot obsession, duck boot problem, and I found these new babies this past weekend. Can we say bum around town and still look cute in these?

+Fall nail polish. I was a bit ahead of the game and painted my nails a dark red the other week because I am just a lover of neutral and red nail colors. My new favorite is Essie's Very Cranberry.

+I am thankful for the people who have paid for my drink in the Starbucks line the past two weeks. Yes, I have had two separate occasions in the last two weeks in which people ahead of me have paid for my drink. This fall I also plan on paying it forward.

+I am thankful that I can pull out my dark red lipsticks and lip colors. I am not a believer that you must only wear dark reds in the fall and winter but I tend to do lighter makeup in the summer and don't touch my darker lipsticks unless it's a special occasion. In the fall when it is cool, aka when I don't sweat all my makeup off and want to wear a little more than BB cream, I reach for my dark red lipsticks immediately - like this one!

Buxom Menace

+This fall I am committed to keeping up my workout routine and my healthier eating. I fit into a size 2 dress this weekend you all! It may be a big size two for all I know but the tag says 2 and I have never fit into something that said 2 - except maybe once in my life. 

+Football and tailgating! I get to tailgate for the first time this season on Saturday and I could not be more excited! Now I just have to decide what to wear...


Friday Favorites!

Linking up with Karli and Amanda on this lovely Friday.

The cool weather and all this talk about fall has gotten me obsessed with booties. Not just any booties, but booties with fringe! This is wild if you know me. I am not a fringe type of girl but I have recently been loving booties such as these and these.

My S'well water bottle is what I am currently loving. For anyone who asks...I describe it as a cute thermos. I also totally recommend that everyone go out and purchase one because I just can't get enough of mine and now I want another in a different color!

Yes, I was in the Starbucks line and no I did not plan on coordinating my nails and shirt to my just kinda happened and clearly I am a fan of the colors.

I had a rough Friday last Friday. As a little surprise my mom got me a new Gigi of New York phone case because there was a rep in town and they stamped my initials into it! So much love!

Life has been a bit hectic lately so I have decided that this is my current motto and outlook...

Can we also talk about my new sunglass obsession? I don't know why I have a wild hair for the unusual this fall, but between the fringe booties and these sunglasses...well lets just say I may have lost my mind a little? 

Have a lovely Friday!


Four Transitional Lip Colors


1: Lancome Berry Noir

2: Kate Rimmel Lipstick #01

3: Neutrogena Moistureshine Gloss in Berry Fit

4: Revlon Matte Balm in Standout

We are so close to fall and with the 50 degree mornings and nights I am craving my boots, sweaters, leggings, football, etc.

I started making the summer to fall transition with my nail colors and as I went digging through my makeup today, trying to convince myself that I didn't need to buy any more makeup currently, I started drooling over all my red, berry, merlot, and oxblood color lipsticks/pencils/glosses,etc.
Before we go straight to the deep dark red (but no one says you can't! I totally rocked a deep vampy red when I went out a few weeks ago - no shame!), I wanted to share with you some of my go to in-between reds and berries that let me get my fall lip fix -- for now!

What are your favorite transitional or fall lip colors??


A Bridal Shower Tea Celebrating the Last of Summer

I only have a few more crazy weekends left until I can breathe again!
This weekend was no exception when it comes to go, go, go!

The weekend started off with a horse show and ended with a bridal shower!

Friday I spent most my day over at the show and then I showed on Saturday. I had a really good day Saturday and was thrilled with how the show went. There has been much improvement and I was bummed that I couldn't show Sunday because I know we would have been great! Thankfully my trainer showed him Sunday and they had a very successful day.

Saturday night I ate at Chef and the farmer and was a good person and never pulled out my phone...the only issue with that is that I didn't get any pictures. Minus the pictures, I can totally tell you what I ate and how fantastic the entire meal was.
For an appetizer I had ham wrapped peaches with ginger goat cheese and candied pecans. Oh my gosh...I was slightly skeptical about these but the table next to us ordered them so I had to have them and they were phenomenal. The sweetness from the peaches and saltiness from the ham were incredible and I would love a plate of them every morning. 
For my entree I had the tomato pie, which was also incredibly good, and then I finished the night off with the Chocolate Pudding desert and the Berries and Cream desert drink - aka I thought I may pop after eating. 

Sunday I headed to Apex to partake in Mitzi's bridal shower. While I did not host the bridal shower, I was in charge of games and some of the middle work. We played Bridal Pictionary and A Fun Facts Wedding Game. I really wanted to play Pantyhose Bowling as the bride to be is an avid bowler, but unfortunately it didn't work out. We will be playing pantyhose bowling the night before the wedding when all us girls stay together at the hotel. 
The theme of the bridal shower was cake and tea and it went off without a hitch.
I made little bouquets for the fun facts game and I was proud of them considering I am not a crafty person at all.

The bouquets

 The Bride and the bridal party!

Me, Mitzi, and Logan!

How was your weekend? It is starting to feel like fall in the mornings and nights here and I could not be more excited!


It's Friday Favorites!

Did you miss me?
I didn't plan on being MIA this week but between recovering from the bachlorette party, work, horse show, and preparing for the bridal shower I have failed to update the blog. 

I promise I will update you all on the exciting weekend that was the bachlorette weekend when I actually have some time to breath next week.

In the meantime let me share some fun things with you!

Linking up with Amanda

Look what I found in Target the other day! Forgive me if I am behind but I had never seen the Burt's Bees Pumpkin Spice Chapstick - so naturally I bought it! 

Alka Seltzer Cold Day and Night has been my best friend recently. Last week I came home from work and felt horrible. Then I work up Wednesday so congested. I still cannot fully shake whatever is hanging on but I definitely feel better. First cold of the season?

I know I am going to update you all but as stressed as I was about the bachlorette party, it went quite well and the bride to be had a blast!

Green smoothies. I generally tend to be fairly healthy but for some reason I have had a hard time finding a green smoothie that I will drink on a regular basis. Yesterday morning I made a green smoothie that I actually enjoyed! 

I danced to this song in zumba the other night and now I am slightly obsessed with it. Why? I think it's just catchy and upbeat and I like it!


A Beach Filled Weekend

I am sad to say that I am sitting at work as I type this. 
I don't think I was prepared for my 6 AM wake up call this morning - can someone please put me back on the island?!

There isn't much to say about the weekend except for the fact that I had a blast. I enjoyed time with special people, my dogs, and I finally got to try out paddle boarding - lets just say it is definitely more work than it looks! 

Since I am too sad to write a long winded entry about the weekend (because I'm home and don't wish to be), enjoy the pictures!

*On a side note...can anyone else believe that it is already September?! The year is going by so fast that I honestly can't keep track of what all has happened this year, and lets face it there's been a lot of excitement in my life this year. The wonderful thing about September is that we are getting even closer to fall which means fall clothes, tailgating, football games - ahhh so much to look forward to!

He's smiling :)

 Boone relaxing on vaycay

Take me back please!!

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