
2015 - A Review

2015 was one heck of a year, and that's putting it lightly.

Here goes nothing...

Dear 2015,
For the longest time I really wished that you would end. I thought that 2015 was going to be my year. I was going to get engaged and I was going to start nursing school. Well, I didn't make it off the wait list for the accelerated nursing program so I thought I would try again - and that's just what I did. Even though nursing school didn't work out at the time, I did get engaged. I thought I was happy, I thought my life was coming together. It wasn't. In april of this year my engagement ended. 
I wasn't even engaged a full 2 months. 
That was a rough time for my entire family. I was lost, hurt, and confused. 
What was I going to do with my life? Why did my engagement end? Questions that will probably remain unanswered. 
My whole life turned upside down. With the help of my family and friends, I moved to a different house, started over with my two dogs, and had a young horse who I still wasn't fond of. 
2015, you may have shook me but I carried on.

I took classes that summer for nursing school and got rejected again. Why was I rejected when I was told by my advisor that I would for sure get in? She made a crucial mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay. I don't condemn her for her mistake, but I do wish she had payed closer attention to my graduation date and my credit hours. So here I am taking 3 five week classes just so I can apply to the fall cohort instead of waiting a whole year to apply again. I branched out and I applied to other nursing schools.

2015, you and I had a lot of downs.
 Very low downs. While I wish the downs weren't so drastic, we also had good times.
I met someone else. Someone who puts my happiness first. Someone who adores me. Someone who would do anything to make me happy. Someone who supports my dreams. I met someone who rubs my feet at night when I'm stressed and surprises me with flowers and Starbucks when they get the chance. 
The second good thing about 2015 was Remi. Remi and I bonded. It took a while (aka a solid 6 months - AT LEAST), but we did it. You may be quirky, moody, and bratty, but I love you. I trust you. You and I have become a team and I am so excited to see what our coming years together have in store. 

2015, you taught me a lot. 
You taught me how to completely let go of a plan and move on. You taught me how to be resilient, you taught me that it is okay to seek help, you taught me to carry on, and you taught me that it is okay to get off track and start again. 

Dear 2015,
We cried a lot, we laughed a lot, and we cried even more. Thanks for all the memories but it is time to say goodbye. 
Bring on 2016.


Christmas 2015

And just like that, it's over. 
Christmas 2015 is a wrap!
It's always a sad moment for me when Christmas day comes to an end, but I can definitely say that I enjoyed this Christmas so very much.

This Christmas I spent the morning at my parents house and the evening at Nick's parents house. 
I received multiple lovely presents from my parents but I think my favorites were the nutribullet and winter coat to ride in. My parent's really knocked it out of the park this year and Christmas included Santa's bag of presents...

Yes, even at the age of 24 I gush over having presents in Santa's bag. 

Also, look at this wrapping paper that my dad had made!

Nick spoiled me rotten and got me, basically, everything off the Christmas list I sent him! I was blown away because I honestly was just expecting my new workout shoes, which was the one thing I told him I really wanted most. 

An even better Christmas present came the day after Christmas...
Velvet came home!!!! Even though the weather was crappy and I wasn't sure if I could manage a ride or two, I flew out to the barn yesterday and managed to ride both my babies in-between the rain.

The nuggets also had a wonderful Christmas and received treats from Grandma and Grandpa and toys from Nick and I.

I managed to catch a picture of each before they destroyed their new toys.

Christmas 2015 was definitely one for the books! How was your holiday?


Bits Of Cheer And Countdown To Christmas!

Can you believe that we are only a few days away from Christmas? I can't.
 Every year I want Christmas to hurry up and come so badly but then I hit December and it all goes by way too fast. Honestly it makes me a bit sad to know that within a week I will be taking down all of my Christmas decorations.
Thankfully for the last week of the link-ups (Alisha and Pinky), I have even more decorations and happiness from my parent's house to share with you.

The nuggets and their Christmas present. 

Every year I get the boys a squeaky, fluffy, toy for them to, play with, destroy in the span of 10 minutes. I thankfully managed to snap these pictures within the first two minutes of them acquiring their new toys. I assure you that within the span of 8 more minutes there was toy stuffing everywhere. I'm glad they enjoyed it while it lasted.

Christmas means being reunited with good friends. 

This lovely lady has been gone for far too long. She is accomplishing many wonderful things while away at PT school but I miss her terribly. While our two hour chat fest wasn't near long enough for my liking, I am so happy that we were able to take some time out our crazy holiday schedules and see each other! 

Christmas time at mom and dads.

Every year I come home for Christmas. While there may be new horses, new boyfriends, and a whole lot of chaos going on around the holidays, there is one thing I can always count on and that is going back to mom and dads, seeing my parents houses decorated, and watching A Christmas Story as we exchange gifts on Christmas day. Some things will never get old.

I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas! My posting may be limited this week as I am visiting family and studying/taking three tests. If I do not update anymore this week I will definitely be back next week to share my Christmas with you all.


Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! Today has been one heck of a week. Starting three 5 week classes around the holidays has been utter craziness. I am looking forward to Sunday because it is the only day of the week that I have nothing to do besides some studying. 

Linking up with Amanda and Karli today.

My blog had a makeover!

I am so thrilled with my new blog template. I found mine on designerblogs. They offer plenty of options and if you are thinking of giving your blog a facelift for the new year then you should check them out. P.S. About me blurb is coming soon.

It may have been long, it may have been stressful, and it may have taken a lot more patience than I expected...but I completed the 'Paint Your Pet' night at Wine and Design and I am in love.

Date night and drinks during a stressful week? Check.

I did not want to leave the house. I repeat, I did not want to leave the house and join the living earlier this week. I was so consumed by school work that Nick decided it would be best to get me out of the house for a bit. After a lot of convincing (yes, I had to be convinced to go eat good food. Can we say stress overload?) I agreed to get off the couch and go. I forgot how the little things like a date night, good food, and just a change of atmosphere can do. It's the little things.

Favorite workout of the week is a kettlebell workout! Prepare to hurt.


Have a great weekend!


Bits Of Cheer

How is it possible that Christmas is only 10 days away?! Every year I want Christmas to hurry up and get here and then December hits and it blows past me. 
Since another December is flying by, I am taking the time to document my little bits of Christmas cheer with all of you today.

If you want to join in on the fun then link up with Alisha and Pinky!

My Advent Calendar//
Every December growing up I remember having an advent calendar. I was so excited to open a new day every single morning! For some reason I never seem to be able to find advent calendars and it crushes me. While I may have been a little late to the game this year, I miraculously stumbled upon this gorgeous 3D advent calendar when grocery shopping with my mom on Sunday!

Sweet Gifts From My Landlord//
Imagine my surprise when I came back from the gym to a present hanging on my door handle with my name and address on it. At first I had absolutely no idea who it was from but after careful inspection (and a lot of thinking) I realized that my landlord had stopped by to bring my a Christmas present! It was so incredibly sweet of her to take the time and do that for her tenants. 

Gifts From Friends//
I love buying gifts for and while I make sure to get my friends a gift every year, I don't expect anything in return. Well my sweet friend Ashley went above and beyond this year and not only got me one present, but three! One is TBD because she said it wasn't ready yet, but I love my two gifts!

I already used my Kate Spade Cup and am excited to finally have a piece of jewelry by Bourbon and Bowties! 

What are your bits of weekly cheer?


Fabulous Friday

My goodness this week flew by! I think, in my case, it is because I was not looking forward to an particular activity on Thursday morning. 

Today I am linking up with Amanda and Karli to bring you my Friday favorites.

Thursday morning went like this...

To this..

Then this...

Oh nursing school pre-entrance exams...I hate you.

So I have some exciting news... 
The blog is getting a makeover!

I won't tell you exactly what the new template is going to look like because I want it to be a surprise, but I couldn't contain my excitement and I had to share the news.

Favorite Quick Workout

 I saw a Blogilates video on Amanda's blog last Friday and not only tried that one out but tried another one out. Holy cow, it didn't look hard but I felt it! Want a fast and efficient workout? Try this one out!

It's been a long time coming but Mitzi and Tyler's wedding pictures came in and I had so much fun going back through the photos. I still can't believe they are married! It may have been stressful leading up to the big day, but the pictures just reaffirm how happy I am that I was part of one of my best friends wedding.

Funnies/Quotes/Things I find amusing

Have a wonderful weekend!


Bits Of Cheer

So many things about the Holiday make me happy. 
Between the food, time spent with family, and the beautiful holiday decorations - I just can't get enough!

Today I am linking up with Alisha, Jess, and Amy to bring you my bits of holiday cheer.

My Christmas tree. Nick and I finally bought a Christmas tree on Sunday and I finished all the decorating last night! 

While stringing the lights on the tree isn't my idea of fun/I started the lights the wrong way and had to redo all of them...
I absolutely enjoy putting the ornaments on. 

The mantel. So I had some trouble with the mantel this year as well. Being in a different house ='s a new mantel which ='s garland that is to big. I had to rig the garland up there so that it didn't just droop over the sides awkwardly and thanks to Command Strips I managed to rig it all up. Those little suckers sure do come in handy.

I never realized the struggle that is finding stocking holders. I found mine last year and only bought two, which may be a huge mistake later in life. I need to go back and see if I can find two more this year.

Presents. I love giving people presents. I have most of my present shopping done - thankfully! I still have one more person to buy for and I have a few presents on the way, but in the meantime I started my wrapping! I have to give it to my moms beautiful wrapping...I had no idea how hard it actually was until I started doing it myself. I'm getting better though.


Friday Favorites

It's the first Friday in December and that makes me so giddy because I love December! 
I honestly can't believe that it is December. So much has gone on this year and I cannot believe how quickly it has gone by.

Linking up with Amanda and Karli

Let's talk about this weeks favorites - as told by pictures and gifs!

When I finally get the good news that the 5 week classes I need for the nursing program are transferable and therefore I can apply for the fall cohort...

When I was late to work the other morning...

I have never been late to work before so this was slightly devastating to me that I didn't make it in time. I left early but didn't realize how hard it would be to get past the school and turn left at 7:30 in the morning. You live and you learn, right?

I'm pretty sure if my nuggets could talk they would probably introduce themselves like this...

I cannot explain to you the excitement that I am feeling about getting a Christmas tree this weekend! I don't love putting on the lights but I love decorating the tree and the boys enjoy helping me by gnawing on the branches. Brats.

German Goodies! I have a good friend who lives in Germany and every year she sends me goodies from Germany as a Christmas present! I am slightly ashamed to say that I have devoured a hunk of the candy (the Ritter's are so good!) and I have been using the chopstick and wearing the earrings she sent me! 

Update: It seems you can get these little suckers from World Market! Ah happy days!

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