
Monday Thougths

Every Monday I am convinced that my weekends go by quicker and quicker. I really needed the weekend to slow down but instead we are beginning another week! 

So this weekend I thankfully didn't have to work so I spent the morning putting up pictures/organizing my office, thanks to the help of Nick.
That afternoon I went to my friend Amanda's to help her shave her fur baby, Koda! This is the second time we've shaved Koda and this time it definitely was more successful.

Naked Koda!

After finishing up our handy work, we made breakfast for dinner! It was so so good and we tried a protein pancake recipe that turned out incredibly good! 

Mmm, so good! 

Sunday started off with boring things like grocery shopping and cleaning and then I headed out to the barn to ride Oliver and spend time with Remi.
Oliver was so thrilled that I came to ride him again and Remi was bummed that we only spent 30 minutes walking around/grazing outside. Luckily for Remi, he only has another week until he should be cleared to ride!

Oliver preparing to go for a ride

Remi enjoying our time outside.

The rest of Sunday was fairly laid back, which was nice because I have been running around doing errands, letting a dog out, and I finally found a place to engrave my stethoscope! I also stumbled across the Simplified Planner by Emily Ley today and I must say I am in love because it breaks your day down by hours and the OCD in me is totally drawn to that.

I hope you all had a nice weekend!

Linking up with Biana.


  1. Those protein pancakes sound DELISH! And how cute that you guys gave the pup a summer haircut! Have a fabulous week <3
    Green Fashionista

    1. They turned out so good! Will post the recipe soon. Thank you, I hope you have a great week as well!


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