
Hello Friday!!

Linking up with Christina, Amanda, and Karli! I can't believe that it is Friday already. This week flew by for me and I am so busy today and tomorrow and I just want to take a breathe before school starts.
Don't take the above sentence wrong, I am super happy it's Friday because I have lots to look forward to today and tomorrow!!

1/ Favorite Song

Vacation - Thomas Rhett
So catchy and it makes me want to go somewhere!

2/ Favorite Workout 

Want to get your sweat on?? Try this workout on for size!

3/(Not So) Greatest Moment Of The Week

When I say greatest, I mean the most epically embarrassing moment of the week. Lets go back a few days to my first day of nursing school orientation...I kept waiting for a e-mail with more information about what to expect/wear. When this e-mail didn't come, I e-mailed my advisor (by lunchtime the day before because I am a worry wart) and asked two questions - 1 question about a module and the 2nd question about what to bring/wear to orientation. Well she doesn't acknowledge question two so I assume that we just wear something more casual to orientation. I roll up in the parking lot around 7:30 that morning in a cute tshirt and workout pants. Now, I didn't look like a slob! I was comfy but had my hair and makeup done and looked put together but comfortable. Well...everyone, I repeat, EVERYONE getting out of their car was dressed up. In a panic I get out of my car, ask a girl if she's going to nursing orientation (she confirms this) and then ask her if we were required to dress up (also confirmed). A whole bunch of choice words ran through my head as I ran inside to talk to someone in charge. Well, lo and behold I was the only one out of about 130 students who did not receive the e-mail. Yep, mine went to the wrong e-mail address so I had no idea! It was horrifying, people stared, and I'm sure thought I was not so bright. I am off to a good start with nursing school!

My face when I pulled into the parking lot.

4/Crushing On...

I want one so bad...
Does anyone have a powder coated Yeti, RTIC, Ozark Trail, etc? Do you love it? Is it worth the price? I really want to order one so please tell me your experience with the powder coating if you have one!


Information overload during orientation

Sitting in all the traffic because the kids are moving in for college...

My inner voice speaking to me when I break out the Ben and Jerry's pint


  1. Ah! That's so awkward but that would totally happen to me! Hopefully things go a little more smoothly from here on out!

    Blessed Messes

  2. Ahhh all the pretty Yeti colors! I need! - Dorrie @ Rt 1 US 1


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