
{2016} Year In Review

A lot has happened in 2016. As I reflect on the year, it is hard to believe how much things have changed. Overall, I would say things changed for the best, but every year has it's hardships and this year was no exception. While 2016 isn't quite over yet, I am looking forward to the new experiences I will encounter in 2017.

I Got In/Started Nursing School

Not to sound totally cliché but...I knew nursing school wasn't going to be easy, but I didn't realize how much it would consume my life. Especially first semester. First semester was brutal and I am so happy to report that I survived first semester and am moving on to second semester! This next semester I have my Peds and OB clinical, which I think I will really enjoy. My goal is to only have 3 mental breakdowns this semester! That may or may not be a joke...I will report at the end of 2nd semester and tell you how I did. Thankfully, I accepted that being a straight A student was likely not happening after I found out the nursing school grading scale. Let's just say I had multiple moments of panic about how anyone get's into grad school when this is all said and done. Needless to say... I'm looking forward to next semester! 

Nick Got A New Job

I honestly don't remember if I touched on the struggles of Nick's job hunt earlier this year, but after about 6 months he was finally abel to say farewell to his old job and start his new one! This was a tough situation because, while Nick was thankful to have a job, he was miserable and the job hunt seemed never ending to the both of us. Thankfully, everything worked out for the best and he was offered a position with his number one pick. I don't know which one of us was happier. 

We Sold Velvet

One of the most heart breaking moments of 2016  my life. Queen V was sold, and while I know she is at a very good place, it was so hard for me to let her go. Thankfully, she is not that far away from me so I will see her at horse shows and I occasionally I will get the opportunity to visit her like I did in the above picture. She looks fabulous and is such a happy girl in her new home so that definitely softens the blow a bit. Plus, I know she is adored by her new little girl and that makes my smile. No matter who she belongs to or where she goes, she will always be my Velveeta Cheese Puff. 

Remi Got Injured

Not only did Velvet leave me earlier this year, but Remi ended up injured pretty early on. I was really disappointed about this because not only did I miss the majority of the show season, but his injury was unique and while they expected him to recover, no one knew exactly how well he would recover. Would he be sound enough to ride again? Would he be as sound as he once was? Will I be able to still work towards my goals with him or will I have to give them up? It was a really rough time for me as I watched him recover and hope for the best. While this was a nerve wrecking time, I am happy to report that Remi has recovered incredibly well and I was even able to show him in some of the final shows of the year! We really didn't expect that! And dare I say, I think he has come back a better horse than when he was first injured. Having the time off really seemed to help him mature and grow from a silly baby into a horse. I am so excited about this up coming show season with him! 

What does 2017 have in store? It is only a matter of days until I start finding out. What good and/or unfortunate events did 2016 bring for you? And what are you looking forward to in 2017?


Friday Favorites!! I'm back and I survived the storm!!

Hi everyone! It is so nice to be sitting here updating my little ol' blog! 
This friday favorites is going to be a combination of friday favorites and an update because I have been sucked into the vortex that is nursing school.

First of all I just wanted to say that I hope everyone has managed to get through the storm. I am in an area that is suffering from all the flooding. Thankfully Nick and I (and the nuggets!) faired really well. Besides having some a lot of rain coming in the backdoor, we had no problems! I have dealt with a few hurricanes but nothing like hurricane Matthew. Nick and I managed to keep power but the wind and rain were so bad. While I have been in my little bubble of normal-ness for the last week, I know a lot of people are struggling. We have been out of school all week because of Matthew and I know some of my classmates and teachers have been displaced from their homes or cannot get back to the area right now. On Sunday we had to evacuate the horses because there was so much water. The horses are currently on their vacation and hopefully we'll be able to get them back to the barn soon. A lot of people were impacted by Matthew and I just hope that everyone who was impacted is ok.

On a lighter note let me briefly tell you about nursing school. I literally eat, sleep, and breath nursing school - no joke. When everyone told me I wouldn't have a life they weren't really kidding. While I am really enjoying it, I am also consumed by it and it does get exhausting. I know it's all going to be worth it and I wouldn't change anything, but I do miss having some leisure time that I can actually enjoy instead of scheduling. I will update my blog whenever I get the chance, but it will likely be sporadic for a bit so I do apologize for that, because I do miss it!!

Whew, okay, if you made it that far then congratulations and lets get to the good stuff!

Linking up with Amanda, Karli, and Christina!

1// Favorite Song

Ugh, I kinda hate to admit that I play this song on repeat but I do...

2//Crushing On

While I have little time to go out and do much of anything, I do stare at stuff online when I need a mental break from studying.

Kat Von D Project Chimps Everlasting Liquid Lipstick.
Okay, this color is a gorgeous brick red. I almost ordered it yesterday and I wish I did because it's out of stock on Sephora currently! I swatched all my red lip products yesterday and told myself that I should not get another red (maybe I should swatch all my reds and make a post about it soon??), but this one is such a wonderful shade and part of the proceeds go to Project Chimp, which helps retire biomedical chimpanzees to a life or retirement!

I am loving these Vince Camuto booties! I have no reason to buy them but I have to admit that I want them!

I regret not getting these SPANX faux leather leggings during the anniversary sale. Maybe for Christmas...

Essie Angora Cardi. I have seen this color everywhere recently and I must admit that I'm smitten.

3//The Storm Aftermath

As I mentioned above, we got hit hard by hurricane Matthew and we are still dealing with rising water as the rivers have not quite peaked yet. We lucked out and just had a very soggy yard for many days.

We even got our and explored the morning after being hit! The nuggets had a fantastic time frolicking around in all the puddles. 

On the other hand, the plan to evacuate the horses occurred after the hurricane hit because we weren't expecting to get hit so hard! So they had to wade/swim the horses off the farm and then walk them down the main rain to a trailer just to move them! The entire driveway was flooded so we couldn't use our own trailer. It was mass chaos. I am really bummed that I cannot ride while I have this time off from school (so I spend it studying and getting stuff done since my tests going to be even more piled on top of each other now), but thankfully I was able to visit my baby and he is safe and sound.


An accurate description of my life. My favorite is when my mom calls and the first sentence out of her mouth is, "I know you're studying but..."

When my mom says don't freak out and then proceeds to send me this picture of the barn...

Cue reaction

That feeling I get from being able to have my nails painted for a week because I didn't have lab or clinical 

When I finally step outside into the sun after a very early morning clinical

That's it for now. I hope to get back into a regular blog schedule, but just know that I miss it and if I am not updating you all then I am in my cave studying or in clinical smelling things that I cannot unsmell!


Hello Friday!!

Linking up with Christina, Amanda, and Karli! I can't believe that it is Friday already. This week flew by for me and I am so busy today and tomorrow and I just want to take a breathe before school starts.
Don't take the above sentence wrong, I am super happy it's Friday because I have lots to look forward to today and tomorrow!!

1/ Favorite Song

Vacation - Thomas Rhett
So catchy and it makes me want to go somewhere!

2/ Favorite Workout 

Want to get your sweat on?? Try this workout on for size!

3/(Not So) Greatest Moment Of The Week

When I say greatest, I mean the most epically embarrassing moment of the week. Lets go back a few days to my first day of nursing school orientation...I kept waiting for a e-mail with more information about what to expect/wear. When this e-mail didn't come, I e-mailed my advisor (by lunchtime the day before because I am a worry wart) and asked two questions - 1 question about a module and the 2nd question about what to bring/wear to orientation. Well she doesn't acknowledge question two so I assume that we just wear something more casual to orientation. I roll up in the parking lot around 7:30 that morning in a cute tshirt and workout pants. Now, I didn't look like a slob! I was comfy but had my hair and makeup done and looked put together but comfortable. Well...everyone, I repeat, EVERYONE getting out of their car was dressed up. In a panic I get out of my car, ask a girl if she's going to nursing orientation (she confirms this) and then ask her if we were required to dress up (also confirmed). A whole bunch of choice words ran through my head as I ran inside to talk to someone in charge. Well, lo and behold I was the only one out of about 130 students who did not receive the e-mail. Yep, mine went to the wrong e-mail address so I had no idea! It was horrifying, people stared, and I'm sure thought I was not so bright. I am off to a good start with nursing school!

My face when I pulled into the parking lot.

4/Crushing On...

I want one so bad...
Does anyone have a powder coated Yeti, RTIC, Ozark Trail, etc? Do you love it? Is it worth the price? I really want to order one so please tell me your experience with the powder coating if you have one!


Information overload during orientation

Sitting in all the traffic because the kids are moving in for college...

My inner voice speaking to me when I break out the Ben and Jerry's pint


Weekend Review

Linking up with Briana today to talk about one of my last weekends of freedom! 

I start classes in a week and I can't believe how fast the time has flown. I remember in June I was like oh I have two months until school starts and here we are! So I can guarantee that this upcoming weekend will be jam packed with all different fun things before I am a slave to nursing school :)

This past weekend I worked so that was a bit boring but Nick visited me and brought me coffee and food again! 

The rest of Saturday Nick and I ended up getting things done around the house. Not so fun but definitely productive! That night we were lazy bums and made our favorite grilled chicken salads and I finished the knife off with a s'more, which I documented on Snapchat.

On Sunday I started the morning off with a dog walk with my friend Amanda and her standard size Australian shepherd, Koda. Then I watched the Olympic individual show jumping rounds before heading off to aerial yoga, which is getting so much harder by the way! We have now graduated from doing most things on the knot to doing everything off the knot with a foot wrap.

Then we did boring things like grocery shop and later in the day I made the medjool date energy bites! They are so good! I highly recommend them.

Did you have a good weekend?



Linking up with Amanda, Karli, and Christina! I am looking forward to this weekend because not only is it my last Saturday at work but Nick and I are also going on a date night, which is always a favorite thing of mine! 

/Favorite Song

/Get In My Belly

My friend Amanda made these and they were SO good! She finally found the original recipe and sent it to me. Check it out here!

Energy Ball with Medjool Dates made by Marjory of The Dinner Mom.

/Current Obsession

This planner by Emily Ley. So back during my planner hunt I went with a LimeLife planner, which I do love! The reason why I chose it at the time was because they had a layout I liked and I could pick the month that I wanted the planner to start, which was huge in case I ended up going to another nursing school and starting in May. So...the other day I was out gift shopping for a friend and came across the Emily Ley planner in person and fell in love. The little OCD freak inside me fell in love at first sight. The day is broken down hour by hour and the other half of the page is a checklist that you can check off once you complete the tasks...AHHHH!!!

/Currently Waiting On

So I ordered some last minute stuff from the Nordstrom Anniversary sale and managed to snag the Topshop Patchwork Oversize Cardigan that I was dying to get my hands on! It is shipping a bit later than the rest of my order but as long as it arrives I will be thrilled!


How I looked after deciding to do 6AM kickboxing again.

Finding out the the AHS teasers are just another way to throw us off the theme of the new season

When Nick continuously comes home late from work and I wait to have dinner with him


First Impression: Bite Beauty Opal Crème Lipstick

For Christmas my dad always comes through with some of the coolest makeup. This past Christmas I was so excited to see a Bite Beauty Lipstick in my stash and eagerly ripped the cap off to check out the color. To my surprise it looked white with some shimmer...what am I to do with it?!

This product has literally sat around for months and I finally decided that I had to give it a shot the other week so I tried it out and now I must have it in my life at all times.

I have always wanted a Bite Beauty Lipstick because I have heard wonderful things about them - and I missed the 3 pack specials they had on Sephora for the price of one and it kills me! - and even this Opal color did not disappoint. 

Opal is described as a "lipstick that is designed to be applied on its own for an iridescent finish, or apply top of any lip color to add ultraviolet dimension."

It find that the iridescent finish is very blue/purple toned and I love wearing it on top of pink lipstick or I love applying it on top of Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Lip Pencil in Naked and Rush.

Bite Beauty Opal Crème Lipstick is not the longest wearing but the beautiful iridescent sheen looks beautiful on the lips and it is so unique. I am pleasantly surprised to say that this is going to become a staple in my beauty arsenal. 


Monday Thougths

Every Monday I am convinced that my weekends go by quicker and quicker. I really needed the weekend to slow down but instead we are beginning another week! 

So this weekend I thankfully didn't have to work so I spent the morning putting up pictures/organizing my office, thanks to the help of Nick.
That afternoon I went to my friend Amanda's to help her shave her fur baby, Koda! This is the second time we've shaved Koda and this time it definitely was more successful.

Naked Koda!

After finishing up our handy work, we made breakfast for dinner! It was so so good and we tried a protein pancake recipe that turned out incredibly good! 

Mmm, so good! 

Sunday started off with boring things like grocery shopping and cleaning and then I headed out to the barn to ride Oliver and spend time with Remi.
Oliver was so thrilled that I came to ride him again and Remi was bummed that we only spent 30 minutes walking around/grazing outside. Luckily for Remi, he only has another week until he should be cleared to ride!

Oliver preparing to go for a ride

Remi enjoying our time outside.

The rest of Sunday was fairly laid back, which was nice because I have been running around doing errands, letting a dog out, and I finally found a place to engrave my stethoscope! I also stumbled across the Simplified Planner by Emily Ley today and I must say I am in love because it breaks your day down by hours and the OCD in me is totally drawn to that.

I hope you all had a nice weekend!

Linking up with Biana.


Happy Friday!!

Another Friday has come and I am so happy because I have absolutely no plans this weekend and I cannot wait to relax! As always, I am linking up with the lovelies: Amanda, Christina, and Karlie.

Funniest Moment Of The Week

Earlier this week I managed to get my hair done in town instead of in Raleigh. The most annoying thing about getting my hair done close to home is that there is no where to park downtown. It is all 2 hour parking besides the main parking lot. Since I managed to escape a ticket while in 2 hour parking last time, I played it safe and parked in the lot and just walked to my appointment. Well about an hour and a half into my hair being done I get a text from my mom and then my dad saying that my car will be towed if I don't move it within the next 30 minutes. Say what?! I knew there was an event going on downtown but there were no signs in the section of the lot I parked in that said 'Event Parking Only.' Needless to say I was not happy and I had to go get my car with foils still in my hair. Yep. Good news is: my car did not get towed and my hair looks great!

This Is My Jam

Kungs vs Cookin' on 3 Burners - This Girl

Good Eats

This looks so good and I have wanted to try it for weeks. I just haven't gotten around to making it but I plan to this coming week!

Makeup Crush

ColourPop has some lip glosses that I am dying to get my hands on. ColourPop has metallic lip glosses and I am kinda in love with Tight Fit, My Jam, and Wolfie

Photos from ColourPop's website.


All the feels

When I've had a rough week

When I fix something at work and the owner asks how I did it...

When the realization of nursing school starting shortly begins to seep in...

When I want Nick to take me to get ice cream

Have a fantastic weekend!

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