
Pumpkin Decorating Ideas

I have been slacking on my pumpkin decorating this year. It hasn't been intentional but you know how life gets in the way and things get pushed aside. 

I planned on carving it yesterday, but didn't. As Halloween quickly approaches I started looking at other ways to decorate my pumpkin before time runs out.
I am not sure what idea I am going to choose but I wanted to share my favorite pumpkin looks that I have found!

Found all of these ideas via this source

Big Dipper Pumpkin

Nailhead Pumpkin 

Herringbone Pumpkins! 

Bats flying across a pumpkin

Chalk Pumpkin

How did you carve or decorate your pumpkins this year?


Happy Friday!

Happy Friday everyone! Today I am linking up with Karli and Amanda to bring you some friday favorites!

//I've been having a lot of fun playing with my nails recently. Not only did a try out a fun blood splatter nail (check it out here!) but I also re-discovered a gorgeous color - OPI Lincoln Park At Midnight

//Recently I've been watching Jane the Virgin on Netflix and I'll admit that I'm hooked! If you are looking for a sweet, kindhearted, funny show that lets you relate to life's little problems then you will enjoy this show!

//This is hard for me to say but I hit another nursing school roadblock. This roadblock isn't going to stop me but it is super frustrating. I won't go into full detail but a mistake was made and I will now be applying to other nursing schools and taking a few more classes. So I found this gem of a picture on Facebook and felt that I totally connected to it.

//While I don't put on makeup every single day I've had some fun playing around with it again and have been loving the below look recently. I used Urban Decay Easy Baked on the lid and roach on the outer corner. I also forgot how beautiful Bobbi Brown's Wild Rose shimmer brick is on the cheeks! Since I will not be starting nursing school in the spring (sigh), I was thinking of doing a youtube channel with makeup tutorials for fun. I've played around with the idea for a while and I'm still toying with it but maybe I'll do a few videos...

//Recently I have been using Crest White Strips Professional Effects. I have about a week left but once I am done with the treatment I will let you know the results and what I think!

I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend!


Blood Splatter Nails

Fall is a time for sweaters, boots, warm drinks, and blood splattered nail art!
I am a lover of fall nail colors and I usually am pretty plane Jane and do some beautiful fall color with a sparkly accent nail, but I decided it was time for a change.

I will warn you that this is a bit messy. I planned on doing all my nails with the blood splatter but opted against it when I realized how much of a mess I would make.

What you need:
White nail polish
Red nail polish (I used two different ones)
Paper or something to make cleaning up easier
Nail polish remover/brush
Straw (I used a regular straw and I think a coffee straw would work better)
Top coat 

I started by putting a base coat on and then I applied the white polish to my ring finger and a sparkly red polish to the rest of my fingers.

Then let the splattering begin!

Clean up your nails and you have the finished product!

Polishes used: Essie Base Coat, OPI My Vampire Is Buff, Zoya India on all nails but ring finger, and Essie Shearling Darling to create the blood splatter. I topped it off with Seche Vite Fast Dry Top Coat.

Are you going to try this out?

*P.S. sorry about the photos. As I began painting my nails I wasn't aware where the sun was and then my nails on both hands were wet so I didn't want to go and play with the blinds at the time.


Pumpkin Season

I finally had a weekend where I was able to just sit around and do nothing, and it was fantastic! 
Don't get me wrong, I did do some stuff this weekend but it was all enjoyable/whatever Hanna wants to do type of stuff. 

So I'm going to be straight up honest with you and tell you that I did absolutely nothing on Friday night. I ate food, watched TV, and laid on the couch and it was great. 

Saturday I did useful but boring things like grocery shop, order another wedding present for Mitzi and Tyler since the first one didn't work out (long story), and went and visited Remi since it was raining. Remi also took the opportunity to try and destroy the crop (aka weapon) that he sometimes is spanked with...

Sunday. Now Sunday was a fabulous day.
It started out with brunch and Nutella stuffed crepes, which were delicious! 

Then Nick and I went to get pumpkins and little did he know but I went to make friends with all the animals.

 Boone and Ash in goat form!

Of course I made a pony friend.

Then I tried to take a picture of myself and Nick and about 4 photos later (because the sun was in my face and I couldn't see anything)...this was the best I could get

All in all the weekend was wonderful and I was so happy to have no set in stone plans and enjoy it!
I need more weekends like this in my life.

How was your weekend?


Joaquin Down The Aisle

Mitzi and Tyler's wedding weekend = accomplished! 

What a fun fun weekend! Minus the lack of sleep, the constant rain, and a few stressful moments - everyone made it to the wedding. Mitzi handled the weather like a pro and decided that since it was cold and raining the whole evening would be moved inside. 

I have never been involved in a wedding so I had no idea how much work was involved in a wedding - not that I thought it was a walk in the park but there was more to it than I imagined. 
I headed out Thursday night so that I could be part of all the festivities on Friday. Mitzi and Tyler stayed with me Thursday night and thankfully we all had a safe drive.

Boone enjoying his car ride.

Friday I attended the rehearsal luncheon and then went with the girls to have our nails done, grab a few necessities (stuff for mimosas), have a nice dinner, and then play bingo and left, right, center at the hotel with family and friends who had come to town early.

Nick came in Friday night after some bad weather and a horrible drive. His normal 3ish hour drive took about 5, but he still stopped by the hotel to see me before heading to his parents for the night. After saying hello to Nick, the girls and I headed up stairs for bed and then disaster struck. Around 11:30 one of the bridesmaids, Logan (who is just the sweetest thing ever), broke the toilet. When I say broke, I literally mean broke it. Here is the evidence of that fatal moment...

Since the hotel was booked, we couldn't switch rooms and therefore had no toilet for the night. Good times! 
Saturday us girls had to be at the venue at 10 in order to get ready. We had a good time getting ready and the wedding went off without a hitch! 

Me with the beautiful bride!

Congratulations to the beautiful bride and groom! It may have had its bumps in the road but the entire thing was so much fun!


Fun Filled Friday!

Welcome back lovelies! I hope your week has been good and dry.
I have had a good week but have not stayed dry at all and there is more rain to come!

Lots of exciting things going on this weekend so let me get to the Friday favorites.

Linking up with Karli and Amanda!

1: Hurricane Joaquin

We have had a pretty slow hurricane season but leave it to mother nature to bring us a hurricane on the wedding weekend of my good friends. They planned on having an outside ceremony but that isn't likely to happen now. It will still be beautiful and I know everyone will have a good time regardless!

2: Funnies

I stumbled across this on Facebook and I just found it to be hysterical. I always hope for some wild random text (I did get one once but failed to come up with a good comeback) where I can mess with the person and have said person participate back.

3: My Baby Horse Is Growing Up

While I was not able to attend the horse show (and thankfully it all worked out, as the area is expecting so much rain, the barn is headed home yesterday!), my baby horse rocked it! He has come such a long way and I am so thrilled with him!

4: This Speaks To Me

I very much dislike when someone texts back 'k.' No, no, and no. For anyone who feels the same way I do about such a vague text you should enjoy the above funny.

5: Dog Shaming

It cracks me up every single time! I just can't get enough!

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