
Fun Filled Friday!

Welcome back lovelies! I hope your week has been good and dry.
I have had a good week but have not stayed dry at all and there is more rain to come!

Lots of exciting things going on this weekend so let me get to the Friday favorites.

Linking up with Karli and Amanda!

1: Hurricane Joaquin

We have had a pretty slow hurricane season but leave it to mother nature to bring us a hurricane on the wedding weekend of my good friends. They planned on having an outside ceremony but that isn't likely to happen now. It will still be beautiful and I know everyone will have a good time regardless!

2: Funnies

I stumbled across this on Facebook and I just found it to be hysterical. I always hope for some wild random text (I did get one once but failed to come up with a good comeback) where I can mess with the person and have said person participate back.

3: My Baby Horse Is Growing Up

While I was not able to attend the horse show (and thankfully it all worked out, as the area is expecting so much rain, the barn is headed home yesterday!), my baby horse rocked it! He has come such a long way and I am so thrilled with him!

4: This Speaks To Me

I very much dislike when someone texts back 'k.' No, no, and no. For anyone who feels the same way I do about such a vague text you should enjoy the above funny.

5: Dog Shaming

It cracks me up every single time! I just can't get enough!


  1. Oh no I hope the hurricane doesn't effect the wedding! Crossing my fingers everything works out!

    1. Thanks! Everything ended up working out just fine!

  2. Not looking forward to this hurricane! It's already raining so badly and I'm just crossing my fingers it doesn't make us lose power


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