
Currently... {A Link Up}

Today I am participating in a new link up hosted by Jenna and Anne to talk about Christmas! 
This link up is right up my alley since I love Christmas!


Listening:: The Christmas station on Pandora. We decorated the tree last night and I had Christmas music on full blast and enjoyed every second of it.

Watching:: Daniel and I have been binge watching Supernatural on Netflix every chance we get. I don't mind since I have a major crush on Dean...
I also started watching ABC's 25 Days of Christmas! 

Wrapping:: Nothing...
I did get the tree up and I have managed to order almost everyone's presents so I feel that I am doing pretty good. Now that I have accumulated a few presents I do believe I need to start the wrapping process. I even bought the wrapping paper already!

Making:: I am going to make my Reese Cookie Cupcakes this weekend and I will also be making the Better Than Sex Toffee! Tis the season!

Anticipating:: Finishing up this semester and finding out about nursing school.
And Christmas - of course!

P.S. I kinda want to be that crazy family that does this...


  1. thanks for stopping by Hannah! I also am a huge Supernatural fan. I pulled my husband into it too... but he is starting to wonder why it never ended last season and I am I like how it seems to have gone back to its roots.

    1. I agree! I thought it would end but I didn't mind!

  2. Reeses Cookie Cupcakes? That sounds way too good. Good luck with the end of the semester, and thanks for linking up!

    1. Thank you! They are super good and very simple - the best of both worlds! I will include pictures in a future post :)

  3. love this! happy holidays to you :) stopping over from the link-up

  4. Reeses cookie cupcakes!? Oh my word, that sounds so delicious!
    Have a wonderful Christmas! Thanks for linking up!


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