
Five on Friday!

And what a busy Friday it has been!
I recently arrived home and was able to shower/take a breath and present you with this post! 
Today I am linking up with Caroline to bring you five things on Friday!

1:: I am so excited for dinner tonight! Daniel and I (along with his brother and sister in law) are going to the Boiler room! It is a burger and oyster place and boy is it good! It also features my favorite local beer so how can I not like it?! I am not an oyster person but I really do enjoy their butterbean burger.

2:: My new addiction - Soda Crush
I don't know why but I enjoy this one better than Candy Crush even though it is the exact same thing.
So if you like Candy Crush then go check out Soda Crush!

3:: I know I mentioned it in a past post (please forgive me for showing the picture to you twice) but I cannot stop thinking about Simply Natural Creamery and their delicious ice cream! I have to go back and try the peanut butter cup (among other flavors) because the ice cream is incredible. 

4:: Since it is five on Friday I will share with you a grueling little five minute ab workout that you can repeat more than once if you like! I did it this morning, along with another ab workout, and you will feel it! 

5:: Please enjoy my current obsession favorite song! Stolen Dance by Milky Chance

Happy Friday!

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