
Confession Friday!

Happy Friday!! 
I hope you all have had a good week.
Want to confess some things? Join the fun here!

I am looking forward to the barn Christmas party tomorrow!
Are you looking forward/doing anything fun this weekend?

Lets get to the confessions...

{1} I confess that having a young horse is no joke. There are many positives about Remi but I have this grandiose picture in my head that everything is going to be beautiful right now. Well someone better pop that image with a pin real fast because with a baby horse I am going to go to hit all three phases of the good, the bad, and the ugly before it all comes together. 

{2} I confess that I really want to go have my nails done and get shellac. I have been painting mine because of my lack of income and trying to save, but shellac looks so nice and I miss having my fake nails that would last between working out and the barn...
Ah, I don't know what to do.

{3} I confess that I made a mistake by not buying a set of stocking holders. Yes, call me crazy but I bought two when I should have bought four and just used the other two for the dogs. It took me a year to find stocking holders that I liked and now I can't find any more. Major mistake.

{4} I confess that I tried dates for the first time and they are so good! The texture is odd to me but they are incredibly good and I suggest that everyone should go and try one if you have a grocery store that sells them!

{5} I confess that the Christmas tree is totally decorated and I wrapped presents yesterday! Ah Christmas! 


  1. I was totally thinking the same thing about getting my nails done today! I wish it wasn't so darn expensive though!

    Ugh... I completely understand the stocking holders. Honestly, I have been on the hunt for new stockings and stocking holders for a while now. I told my husband when I find the perfect ones, I am buying like ten of each... just in case! Dogs, babies... you never know when you are going to need a matching stocking/holder!! I feel your pain, girl!

    1. I think I'm going to cave and get my nails done today!

      I hope you find either stockings or stocking holders soon! I am with you and believe I will be purchasing multiple next time I find some I like.


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