
Hopes and Plans

Hello and welcome to a short week everyone! 
I am thrilled that the Holidays are about to be in full swing!

Hopes and Plans

For today I am linking up with Amanda to bring you my Hopes and Plans for the week.

1:: Get Boone's harness fixed. I have continuously dropped the ball on this one because he walks just fine without his harness but I really prefer him to be in it for security purposes.

2:: Consign clothes. This HAS to happen! I have a pile of clothes that have been chilling in the spare bedroom for a while just waiting for the fall weather to come around. Time to get rid of them!

3:: I am hoping that Thanksgiving day will go as planned. AKA Daniel and I will spend time with his family and then (hopefully!) make it to my parents without sitting in traffic for a long period of time. Here's to hoping!

4:: Ride the horses before going to my parents. This usually isn't a problem but with all the rain we have been getting I don't know how much I'll be able to squeeze in.

5:: Clean the house, completely, before going to my parents. This way I won't have to worry about the house when I get home on Sunday. I have high expectations for this one...

6:: Keep to a normal blogging schedule. I cannot guarentee this one because of the Holiday this week but I will try my best!


  1. Do you consign often? I always think I should, and then just end up donating them because I get too anxious. LOL.

    1. I have consigned a few times! I consign what I can and donate the rest :)


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