
Confession Friday!

Hey lovelies! Another Friday has rolled around (hallelujah!) and it is cold here! 
Not freezing like some other states but when you go from 75 degree weather to 45 within a seems even colder! 
How is the weather around your parts?

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{1} I confess that I thought I was outsmarting mother nature by doing my workout at home today. That way I wouldn't have to step outside/live outside until I make it to the horse show later this morning. Well the nuggets decided that mom's workout meant attack mom time! The struggle was real this morning. 

{2} I confess that I was late to jump on the bandwagon but last night Daniel and I finally watched A Fault In Our Stars. *Cue the tissues.* Totally lost it - not that I expected anything less.

{3} While I am on the topic of TV I will confess that I was also completely behind in life and started watching Supernatural on Netflix. Why did I not start watching this sooner?! Plus I may have a school girl crush on Jensen Ackles (Dean)

{4} I confess that my dad bought me this little frother for Christmas about two years ago and it has sat unappreciated until now. Now I am making my Chai latte's at home and wasn't very impressed until I started frothing almond milk and putting it on top. So good! 

That's all she wrote! 


  1. Stopping by from the link up.. I love your blog! Too cute!! I adore chai lattes! I have yet to watch The Fault in our Stars but have heard that it's definitely a tear-jerker and I just don't think I could handle that, haha. Totally subscribing!


    1. You can do it! Just be ready with a box of tissues!

  2. Ughhhhh girl. Dean Winchester 9 seasons later is even more crush-worthy. Is that even possible?! Swoon.

    1. I certainly don't mind that the show has been around for a while ;) Keep the eye candy coming!

  3. the fault in our stars was so incredible, It was worth every pretty penny I purchased it with. The tissues were needed here as well


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