
WEG Experience

I was lucky enough to spend (almost) a week at the World Equestrian Games and I have to admit that coming home and working the next day was a painful experience. I never wanted to leave the bubble that was WEG 2018. As I mentioned in my previous post, yes, there was unfinished parts of buildings, etc. but that did not hinder my experience what so ever. The only issue we ran into when I was there occurred on Saturday during the driving out on the cross country course. A huge lack of communication left a lot of us stuck there longer than expected while waiting for shuttles - but it all ended up ok. 

On to the good stuff now, shall we? While I missed the last day of show jumping, I was lucky enough to experience the nail biting jump off between USA and Sweden during the team portion of the competition. Watching Mclain Ward and Clinta put in the final round in the deafening silence gave me heart palpitations. The jump off could not have been any more of a nail biter and seeing the USA win gold was incredible!

Mclain and Clinta doing what they do best!

My crummy iPhone pics from the winning ceremony. 

While show jumping has my heart, I also spent a hunk of time watching vaulting and driving. I appreciate every discipline and knowing that the love of horses brought all these people together was such a special moment. 

 Can I just say how impressed I am with vaulting?? I cannot fathom being able to do any of that on a horse. I wish I were that flexible and graceful, but sadly I am not so I will continue to stick with the hunters and jumpers. 

Being the horse crazy person I am, I want to get my hands on all the horse activities. My new found passion (in my mind because I obviously haven't actually tried) is driving. I need to find someone who can teach me the basics of driving. The teams were just incredible! 

Other random pictures from around WEG.

 Disclaimer: I might be a creeper. I love Kaley Cuoco and was so excited to see her husband, Karl Cook. I was hoping Kaley would be there, but she was off doing other awesome things (like animal fundraisers) during WEG. 

Oh and if shopping is your thing, then you would have loved it. I shopped until I dropped and kept going back for more. I have so many new and exciting equestrian apparel to review! Like my new found love for Dreamers and Schemers boot socks. They are the cutest things ever! 

 You better believe I am now the proud owner of purple unicorn boot socks. I also found an adorable pair of unicorn llamas. 

I discovered a new brand that I must say I love. Seriously, I tried on breeches, a show coat, paddock boots, and half chaps and they were seriously all wonderful. Take a peak at Ego 7 and let me know if you've tried any of their products. I did come home with a few that I will tell you all about once I get the opportunity to test them out.  

I also got a few custom surprises that I will have posts about once they arrive. 

I hope you all have had a nice start to your week. I have a hectic week but am reminiscing of my days at WEG and wishing I was back there ignoring my daily responsibilities. 

Before I go, here is a shameless proud mamma plug on my boy being champion at his first real horse show!

I just love this boy.

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