
Life Lately

A lot has happened in my blogging absenteeism - all that has been going on is part of the reason I've neglected the dear ol' blog.

Where to begin...
I guess I should admit that I moved and started a new job. It all took place very quickly as the job came up at the last minute and I pretty much moved two weeks after finding out I got the job. So basically I was on vacation, found out I got the job, was elated for about 10 minutes and then the panic set it because I was going to be on vacation for a few more days and I literally had a week and a half to find a place and move before starting - so I basically moved in on a Sunday (well partially moved) and started Monday morning. Whew! It was a whirlwind to say the least. Then I basically spent the next month working and splitting my time between the two houses trying to finish moving.

Solid news is that I am really enjoying my job and have moments where I actually feel competent and not completely lost all of the time. Nursing school is not like the real world ladies and gentlemen. 

In other news, I'm still horse crazy! No surprise there, but a lot is happening in my horse world. I should start by saying that we sold Remi. It really does kill me but he seems to be doing good in his new home. He's such a stinker so I hope he holds it together and I do miss him. 

As baby Lucas is getting going in his career, I have currently been leasing a pretty cool jumper mare named Casia. She has been a pleasure to have since I can't do much on Lucas right now because of trainers being gone from horse shows, losing shoes, etc. It is always nice to improve on myself while getting the experience of riding other horses. 

Sweet Casia

And last, but certainly not least, baby Lucas who is just as handsome as ever. With the show season starting to die down a bit and my life as well, I am hoping that we'll have the opportunity to really get going - weather depending. I am looking forward to the next show season with this boy. 

So besides all of this horse business, after finally settling in, I had a week of and as much as I wanted to just crash on the couch, I went to visit my good friends Mitzi and Tyler and their sweet baby boy. Then I headed to the mountains to spend a short but wonderful time with my mom before heading back for class and work. 

Sweet baby with the Build a Bear that we stood in line forever for that day.

Then off to the mountains I went. The first picture is of a lovely idea - a prayer tree. This is only a snippet. The entire side of the store was covered as well, but I hung my card on this tree.

I hope life has been treating you all kindly.

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