
Friday Favorites!

Welcome back to another Friday Favorites! As always, I am linking up with the lovely Amanda, Karli, and Christina

1) Favorite Moment Of The Week

Nick surprised me earlier this week by taking me to see the Budweiser Clydesdales! This was such an exciting moment for me. This moment was literally so much fun - even though I wasn't allowed to touch them and of course I tried since that's what us horse people do! Regardless, it was still a wonderful moment and I'm so happy I got to see them!

2) Favorite New Find

This past weekend I met up with my mom in Raleigh and found these nail tattoos! They are so awesome. I have 'attempted' designs and it's difficult, but now I have the solution! I can have cute designs and you literally tattoo them onto your nail! You can find the nail tattoos here!

3) Favorite New Snack *Update*

If you didn't see my post on Wednesday about how I am loving roasted cauliflower check it out here!
I do have an update to the post for those of you who may have read it...apparently olive oil will smoke at high temperatures. I have had no problem with my oven but just incase you are worried you can substitute olive oil with vegetable oil and add a little garlic for flavor!

4) Favorite Workout

5) Funnies

When the humidity finally kicks in.

How I look while walking the dogs.

When I eat all the bread at a restaurant.

Have a great weekend!


A Healthy Snack: Roasted Cauliflower

I have a problem: a snacking problem. 
I am always on the lookout for healthy snacks and recently I stumbled across one that is so good and is so easy! I don't know why it took me so long to try this because I can eat as much as I want and not feel guilty.

Welcome my new favorite snack addiction: roasted cauliflower!

And the kicker?? It is so easy!

All you need is:
A head of cauliflower
1/2 of a white onion
Salt (I used sea salt)
Olive Oil
Parmesan Cheese

That's it!

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees and while your oven is warming up, chop up the cauliflower florets and the onion. Place in mixing bowl and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover everything with olive oil and mix together. Place everything on a baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes. Take cauliflower out of oven, sprinkle with parmesan cheese, and bake for 5 more minutes.


I hope some of you will enjoy this recipe and if you have any easy and healthy snacks then please share them with me in the comments!

**Update: Apparently olive oil can smoke while being baked at high temperatures. I have not had this happen but if you are concerned you can substitute with vegetable oil and add some garlic for flavor!


Friday Favorites

Today's Friday favorites are a bit random because I have some stuff to share and I need some advice so if you can relate please, please, comment below and let me know your thoughts!

Linking up with Karli and Amanda!

1) Favorite Find

Maybe not everyone experiences this feeling but I LOATHE shopping for white pants. After trying on a million about 10 pairs of white jeans I am happy to say that I found a pair that I love. The AG Farrah Skinny jeans are fantastic and oh so comfortable.

2) A Not So Favorite Problem

I am struggling with my workout shoes! I received a pair of Brook's Pure Cadence 4 running shoes for Christmas and I love them. The color, the support...but they are tight across my metatarsals. I don't have wide feet and I kept thinking they would give a bit once I broke them in, but they haven't and they hurt. I really want to stick to Brooks and am thinking the Brook's women's Glycerin 13 will be better for me. I use to use Asics Tri-Noosa and they were rather comfortable so I don't know what to do. Any suggestions??

Brook's Glycerin 13

Asics Gel-Noosa Tri 10 GR

3) Favorite (Currently Watching) Shows

I had stopped watching Netflix for a while (*GASP*  I know!) but decided that I was bored with TV and went back to my beloved Netflix and low and behold there are new seasons of How To Get Away With Murder and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt! Commence Netflix and Chill - and by chill I mean lay on the couch with Boone and Ash while Nick is working.

Boone says Hello

4) Favorite Song

Iggy Azalea - Team

So catchy.

5) Funnies

When Netflix asks if 'I'm still there?' like it is judging me for my binge watching.

When Nick says he is going to organize the garage/tinker with his tools.

When you spend forever in the completely full waiting room to be drug tested for nursing school and the guy who squeezed in next to you casually tries to tell you that you must be freezing in that workout tank-top.

Anytime I go out and stay out past midnight.

When the dogs follow me into the bathroom.

Have a great weekend!


First Impression: NYX Xtreme Lip Creme

Hello and welcome back to another first impression post.
Today I am talking about the NYX Xtreme Lip Creme in Nude Peach Fuzz.

So what do I think?
Im still on the fence about this product and will definitely wear it a few more times before making an ultimate decision.

I absolutely love the color! It is beautiful for the spring and the summer. What I am not so sure about is the texture. The texture is thicker than I expected so I have to work on my application technique. 
It doesn't last if you eat anything but it does stick on my lips while drinking.

NYX Xtreme Lip Creme retails for $5.99 at Ulta and I do think for the price point it is a reasonable buy. Have you tried the NYX Xtreme Lip Creme? If so, do you like it and how do you apply it? 

I hope you all are having a good week!


Friday Favorites!

Woo, this week has been a busy one! I haven't had much time to sit and that is why I am slacking in the blog department. 
I love posting my Friday Favorites so I knew I couldn't skip it!
As always, I am linking up with the lovely Amanda.

1) Favorite Moment Of The Week

I literally had a dream come true this week. I have always wanted beautiful pictures of my horses and it has finally happened. I am still waiting for all the photos but she gave me a sneak peak while I wait!



I seriously can't even contain my excitement! There are shots of me with the horses as well and I will bombard you with horse pictures for a have been warned.

2) Favorite Song

3) Favorite Workout

I have become a booty barre addict. I started taking the class on Saturdays and love how hard they make me work! Sadly I will miss them the next two weekends but I'll get back to them! Here is a workout that I will be doing at home this weekend since I can't make it to the gym.

4) Favorite New Find

The other night I did a Wine and Design painting - but it wasn't any ordinary Wine and Design painting! It was a Wine and Design on Wheels so not only did I get to paint in a private room in a restaurant, but you also had a drink included in your purchase price! It was so much fun and I plan on doing another one. We painted an abstract pineapple and I tried the specially created drink for the event, the tipsy pineapple. It was so good. It was a combination of vodka, peach schnapps, pineapple juice, and champagne - yummy! 



5) Favorite Funnies


Breakfast for Dinner - Easy Breakfast Bake!

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is doing well.
I am dealing with a million things right now so I am all about quick and easy dinners - not that this is a surprise.
Lately I have been craving breakfast for dinner so I made a breakfast bake that is so good and very easy to make.

What you need:
4 eggs
1 package of chicken/turkey/pork sausage. I used chicken and apple maple sausage. So good!
1/2 onion
1 medium bell pepper. I used 1/2 bag of small mixed bell peppers.
1 cup pancake mix (Bisquick or store brand)
2 cups cheddar cheese 
2 cups milk 
3 cups frozen hash browns
1/4 teaspoon pepper

Grease baking pan and heat oven to 400 degrees. Cook the sausage, bell peppers, and onions in skillet  until sausage is no longer pink. Stir together the sausage mix, 1 1/2 cups of cheese, and 3 cups of frozen hash browns. Add the 2 cups of milk, pancake mix, pepper and eggs and stir until all the ingredients are blended. Bake uncovered for 40-45 minutes. *Optional - add the last 1/2 cup of cheese to the top of the breakfast bake and bake an additional minute or two. 

That's it! Super simple and very tasty! 
Original recipe here.


Friday Favorites!

Linking up with Amanda and Karli to bring you my Friday favorites!

1) Favorite New Discovery 

I try not to indulge in Ben and Jerry's too much because - lets face it - I can devour it all in one sitting. When I saw that this Ben and Jerry's, made with almond milk, had hit my grocery store I just had to have it because I love almond milk, peanut butter, and cookies. Let me just say WOW - this stuff is so good. I had to stop myself from buying it when I went grocery shopping again. 

2) Favorite Song

I have recently started loving G-eazy. Now, the song I posted does have some mature language so if that is not your style then don't listen to it. The song is catchy and I really like working out to his songs in general.

3) Favorite Makeup Find

I have loved Tarte's makeup for a long time - especially their Lipsurgence Matte Lip Tint. Not only is the formula comfortable to wear but it lasts on my lips for a few hours even if I eat. I have a few of the matte lip tints and forgot about them when I went crazy buying liquid lipsticks. Well, Ulta recently sent out their 20% off your entire purchase coupons for platinum members and I decided that I couldn't leave without the matte lip tint in the color Envy. Apparently on the Tarte website Envy is part of the lippie lingerie matte tint. The envy I have is in the old packaging. All I can say is that I want all of the colors in the lippie lingerie line.

4) Favorite Workout

I am still all about my abs recently as bathing suit season is approaching!

5) Funnies

One of my best friends turned 21 last week and while our night didn't exactly go down this way...we weren't that far off. Please enjoy Ashley's proposed timeline of events for her 21st.

Instead of posting two of the almost identical photos, here is what she said for 6:00 - pretends to be sober at dinner

That's all she wrote! Have a great weekend!

Want an easy but delicious recipe for this coming week? Check out my new favorite crockpot recipe here!


Crockpot Lasagna

Today I am sharing you a recipe that I recently tried out - crockpot lasagna!
I made mine without meat but you can definitely add some if you wish!

What you will need:
-Barilla Lasagna Noodles (I used whole grain)
-24 oz Part Skim Ricotta Cheese or Cottage Cheese
-Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
-Baby Spinach
-One 24oz Bottle of Pasta Sauce

-Cover the bottom of crockpot with thin layer of pasta sauce
-Break up and cover bottom of crock pot with lasagna noodles
-Spread/place ricotta and mozzarella on top
-Place spinach/greens on top of cheese
-Repeat the layers by placing another layer of lasagna noodles on top, pasta sauce, cheese, and greens.
-Finish the final layer by placing lasagna noodles on top. Spread a thin layer of pasta sauce and mozzarella to finish it out.
-Bake on low for 5-6 hours and let sit for at least one hour once cooked. 

This recipe is so good. I really wasn't expecting a whole lot when I tried this out but I am just letting you know that it is incredibly good!

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