
Hey There Friday

Linking up With Karli and Amanda on this lovely Friday.

Since I currently do not work in an office, I will attribute this to how I feel when I finish my last class on Friday's - close enough!

1:: You May Have A Starbuck's Problem When...

2:: When Your Friend Comes To An Unfortunate Epiphany...
The only context I can give you about the above convo is that it involves a boy...

3:: Life Is Short So Buy The Shoes - Oh Nevermind You Are Broke

Look at these babies!! I literally drooled over them all day yesterday. They are so perfect and you can find them here.

4:: The Fate Of My Future Lies In A Seemingly Plain Envelope...
In this envelope lies my application/transcripts/all the other fun paperwork I need to apply to nursing school - wish me luck as I turn it in!

5:: When In Doubt Go To Target
And while you are there make sure to forget what you originally went in for and hit up the makeup isle instead to discover that your target finally has the new Maybelline Matte Lipsticks you have been searching for for months now. Then at 10:30 that night while you are home make sure to remember what you were actually seeking in Target and therefore make an online order that consists of more items than just that one thing...Addiction? Nah.

That's all she wrote!


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