
Fun On Friday

Another weekend is upon us and many big things are happening for me this weekend, but we'll get into that in Monday's post.

In the meantime, I am linking up with Karli and Amanda for this Friday's post!

//My Horses - I want to brag about them. Are you sick of it yet? Prepare to hear about it forever. First of all I have had a great week with my baby Remi and am thrilled with how he is coming along. Secondly, the second picture is my baby girl with her new rider and they have killed it this year! Such a proud momma over here!

//Funnies. Both of these have made me laugh and I still find them funny! Always have to find something to smile about during the week even if it is a silly picture.

//Things that describe me. These are so accurate. Hysterical! How could we all forget the Milkshake song??? If I posted that before, I apologize but it always cracks me up.

//This was my morning. I believe last year I blogged about watching Derby Finals (it's a horse thing) at the gym. This year I not only watched it at the gym but also as I sat waiting for my car to have its tires rotated and have it aligned. You know you're a horse addict when...

//St. Tropez is my new shit. How have I gone so long without purchasing this phenomenal tanner?? I bought it on a whim this week because holy moly my legs are so pale - workout pants/riding pants anyone? - and I decided that I could not blind people at the wedding I am attending this weekend. Tried this on my legs yesterday and I am so impressed. 

Have a good weekend and see you Monday!


  1. st tropez is amazing, i love million dollar tan too!


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