
Friday Favs!

Long time no see blogger world!
We all know I went on a bit of a hiatus when my life went a bit completely in the opposite direction that I had planned out in my head. Then I started summer classes. 10 weeks and 4 classes. It's more like playing a game called "How much material can we cram into students heads in five weeks." Super fun. Thankfully I am in second summer session now and only have two weeks left!

Once classes get squared away, I will update much more regularly again! 
Today I am linking up with:

NYX Butter Glosses. How have I lived without these?! Holy moly I am in love and regret not purchasing some sooner. I will definitely dedicate a solo post to these little gems - because that is how in love I am.

I went a little dress/shopping crazy the other week. I liked to call it retail therapy/Hanna really needs a few new dresses for the two weddings she is attending/bridal luncheon/bridal shower/rehearsal/etc. This wedding stuff is exhausting and this isn't even my wedding! As I sent a million pictures of dresses to my mom, she decided to send this to me...


I may be slightly embarrassed to say this but I am slightly in love with this song...

Someone please tell me you sing this shamelessly also?

I would share this next week, but it looks like I will be playing hooky from class next Friday and heading to the beach - meaning I will probably not get a post up. For us equestrians, this meme is spot on and I am hoping to work on a few of these issues while I sit my butt on the beach. Preach!

My new favorite drink obsession. Since I gave up pop/soda (whatever you choose to call it), I drink a LOT of water. Lets face it, water gets boring. To cure my water boredom, I have become addicted to these little gems...

The berry is my favorite.

I have to run to class but I hope you all have a great Friday! I believe I am seeing Trainwreck tonight and I am excited!

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